Braytar: The Beginning
Braytar: The Beginning
? Tom Martin, 2023 by Tom Martin, Ed.S.
- Beginnings -
The room was way too cold for the demon as he moved through the heavy crowd, looking for Christina. He knew she would be there; he could sense her giving in and wanting to return to the old ways, the comfortable ways. Once a drunk always a drunk, he chuckled as he readied himself for the temptation.
Christina knew she shouldn’t be there. It had only been a month since she gave up drinking and had been searching deep in her soul for something she remembered from childhood, a peace she had felt attending her grandmother’s church. If only Susan hadn’t called her wanting to talk, to straighten things out. The last few years had been a whirlwind of arguing, making up, accusing each other, not talking for weeks at a time, and finally calling to make things right. This was one of those times.
But why this bar Scooters? The only bar in which Christina felt comfortable, and at times, seemed like her second home. As Christina moved through the bar looking for Susan, she had a sense she was being watched and watched closely. She looked around quickly…no one there. It must be nerves with all this alcohol swirling around her as she continued working through the crowd. Where is Susan?
The demon eyed her as she seemed to be lost in the smoke and alcohol. The look on her face, he thought, looked like sheer joy. He could see her breathing in more deeply, she seemed to be enjoying the smell of the smoke and the whiffs of hops and barley. Once a drunk, always a drunk! The demon could almost see the reward his master would provide him for this catch. It would be his best ever. Praise was hard-coming in Hell. The demon had no desire for anything material, only a whisper of praise would keep him going for another three-hundred years at least.
Christina saw Susan sitting at a table surrounded with her old friends, her drinking friends. Susan had a look of being entertained and bored at the same time. She too seemed to be scanning the room. Her eyes locked on Christina and a slow smile came to her face. Susan waved to her and motioned her over. Christina moved past several men obviously drunk and eyeing her. She knew the comments would come quickly so she moved to the table and sat down. “Surprise,” she yelled over the noise of the bar and pathetically bad guitar entertainer. She thought he was even worse than the one performing there last month. Questions of “where have you been” and “I thought you gave up drinking” peppered her from the tablemates. She looked around at them and realized why she had initially given up drinking. They were shameful, slurring their words as spots of sauce and food splattered on their shirts. It seems they were trying to eat as much of the free happy hour chips and salsa before time ran out.
Susan turned and focused her attention on Christina, giving her a hard-stare then relaxing her eyebrows just a touch. “So, you finally made it. Where have you been?” she spat out at her. Christina, surprised by the sudden attack, leaned back then countered with, “It goes both ways. What about you? Steve run out of money or did he go back to his wife?”
Susan slowly shook her head side-to-side and bit back the long string of expletives she was going to hurl. She looked down, then returned her gaze to Christina and said,” Steve is with his wife. He went back a week ago and I couldn’t care less.” Christina did not believe that for a minute. All Susan could talk about was how great Steve was and how he wasn’t really married and was looking for his soul mate, his true love. Once again Susan fell for it. She is so needy Christina thought. No wonder she wants us to make-up. She needs a friend, not just a drinking buddy like these goofballs sitting here.
Christina whirled her head around again quickly, hoping to catch whoever was staring at her. Was it Mike, her old boyfriend, who said he wasn’t ready for a commitment when she point-blank asked him what his intentions were for their relationship. Four years was a long time not to move forward when both had long been out of college and working. She was not getting any younger and what looks she had were quickly fading. No one there she thought. Strange.
The demon was close, almost sitting right beside her. He laughed at the gang sitting at the table and felt proud of how they were behaving. I couldn’t have done it any better, he thought, as he admired the work of the bar demons who seemed to be in complete control of the place. Now it is time for Miss Christina to give up her idea of changing her life and get back to normal. Who does she think she is?
The demon stretched out his hand and moved to place it on Christina’s head. He was going to use an old image he had used thousands of times through the years with people like this to move them off center. Getting them to think about what they were giving up. As he moved to place his hand on her head to deliver the image, he felt as if someone was staring at him! He froze and tried to shake the feeling off. Who would be looking at me? Nobody can see me if I don’t want them to. He knew his master was not interested in a prize so small so he would not be interfering with him. Was it that old bumbling fool who was always trying to take any scraps he left behind? He wouldn’t even know how to find this place without me bringing him here. No, it’s not him, but who?
The “good time” friends said their goodbyes and got up and left the table, leaving Christina and Susan alone. Immediately several men tried to approach them with badly worded pickup lines to which they both looked disgusted. After several minutes of trying, they got the idea and wandered back to stand alongside the walls and wait for an opportunity from another table. When the men finally left, Christina and Susan shared an eye-rolling laugh and then began to talk in earnest.
“So, what have you been doing with your time since you haven’t been here at the bar,” Susan asked in a slow manner. Christina looked down and then mumbled, “Well, I have been thinking about making some changes in my life. I am tired of this bar scene and I am not getting any younger.”
This caught the demon off-guard and he quickly snapped his eyes on Christina. This isn’t good he thought. No, not good at all.
“Is this about Mike? Are you still thinking about that guy? He was really out for himself and you know it.”
Christina made a face and began: “Oh, I’m over that guy. I gave him way too much of my time and life. I hear he is doing the same thing with a girl from the office next door. He had better hope I don’t run into them and spill the beans on his little game with her. No, that’s not what is going on. I just want something better for myself. I can feel it inside of me like when your heart beats deep in your chest. You can feel it all over your body. I am looking for something…”
Christina suddenly died off in her talking to Susan as she was feeling strange. On one side, she felt impending doom and evil moving toward her and on the other, a strange powerful force that felt like light, if you could describe that. What is going on, she thought as these feelings began to overwhelm her senses. Christina was starting to feel way too comfortable here in the bar and even started to taste the strawberries in her mouth of her favorite drink—The Strawberry Surprise. Susan continued to drone on about how she was so tired of worrying about making ends meet and how her paycheck seemed to shrink every month. Susan couldn’t quite figure out that coming to the bar every night and spending a large chunk of change on drinks could be effecting her bottom-line. The waiter came by and checked on them for a drink order. The girls were usually good tippers he remembered. Susan ordered her usual and the waiter then turned and stared at Christina. “Nothing for me right now” she said. The waiter looked disappointed and then turned to go fill Susan’s order. Susan gave Christina a questioning look then resumed her diatribe.
At that moment, there was a large commotion in the bar as everyone stopped to look at a thirty something year old man who had entered the bar and had worked his way halfway through the crowd. He was of medium height with black curly hair and a beard you would see on one of those reality shows Christina thought. He was trying to hand out some crudely made pamphlets to the customers. “What?” screamed the demon as the man was looking around the room, trying to make eye contact with anyone who would ask him what he was doing or why he was there. A large man, wearing a polo shirt with the bar’s name imprinted on the front, approached him and asked him to either stop or leave. He did so in quite a forceful voice, Christina thought as the man with the pamphlets looked stunned and a little shaken. She saw the man nod his head in the affirmative manner and seemed to slump down a bit.
“Why am I doing this?” Christina wondered as she felt herself get up and move over to the man. “Are you okay,” she asked.
The man looked at her with a sad expression and tried to smile. “I’m okay, I guess. I just wanted to tell the people here about another way to live, a better way.” Those words caught Christina’s attention and she tried to look at the pamphlets without the man noticing. The man stood there with that kind of look like what am I supposed to do now?
Christina was deep in thought about what was going on here when she snapped out of it, “I’m Christina by the way.”
The man focused on her again and said, “I’m Terry, but my friends call me Big Terry.” Christina now knew she had heard it all as she was a head taller than him.
“Would you like to sit down and tell me what was so important you had to tell everyone in the bar?” Christina asked. Terry looked around and then, as he had done with the bar bouncer, nodded his head in the affirmative.
Terry sat down at the table, nodded at Susan who was deep into her drink, and began to tell Christina why he was here at the bar. “I used to come to this bar years ago and I think that is why the bouncer, my old high school running-around buddy, didn’t put his hands on me. I spent a lot of time and money here. Two years ago I almost died in a car wreck and, yes, drinking was involved. I ran off the road and hit a large cement mailbox, the kind where the homeowners were tired of replacing their standard black mailbox from neighborhood kids who loved to smash with a baseball bat, a real brick and mortar monster. My car hit it and flipped over and burst into flames.
“You know, I could feel this evil presence all around me, and it seemed to be very pleased this happened. I began to cry and call out to God because I knew I was trapped. My safety belt would not release and I couldn’t get it unbuckled, even though my hand was right there by the latch.” Big Terry paused as the waiter came back and looked at Christina who shook her head no. The waiter gave her a sour look and took Susan’s glass away. Susan had caught the eye of a gentleman as she liked to call them, and wandered over to the bar.
“Go ahead,” Christina urged Terry as she was caught up in the story. Terry started speaking again in a low tone that caused Christina to have to lean forward to hear his voice. “I just knew my time was up and it was not going to end well. I was so scared of dying. I just cried out to God to save me as every bad and awful memory shot through my head. I begged him to forgive me. I don’t know why I did it because there was nothing I have done in my life that I was proud of. It all revolved around drinking and running around with any woman that would give me the time of day. Some people thought, but I knew, there was not any one good thing in me.” A chord struck in Christina’s heart as she knew exactly what Terry was saying. She wasn’t to the point where he was, she assured herself, but she knew there had to be something more than this as she looked around the bar. She watched the patrons hopping from one table to another, one spot to another, trying to gain some type of drunken advantage on the other.
Talk about hopping- the demon was hopping mad. Just when I was about to seal the deal, this guy shows up. I remember this Big Terry. A pity actually, of what happened, he thought, as he remembered the scene himself. I was called-in for support, he mused. Sometimes demons can’t handle it “on their own” and need a little help. We are such givers, he thought. He showed up as the fire was raging and people started to gather. He decided to patrol the perimeter and keep people back from helping. The least I can do he thought.
Big Terry continued telling his story to Christina. “I had given up. There was nothing I could do. I knew it was the end and felt so ashamed of my sorry life. Not one good thing. I could feel the heat all around me, but I quickly realized that I was not burning, not my clothes, not my hair, my skin, nothing. Even though my car was surrounded by people yelling and telling me to get out now or die, I found myself focused on this one man. I say a man because that is how he looked, but I knew immediately he was no mortal man. He stood there, powerfully built, with an intense gaze. I could tell he could see through all of the smoke and flames and was looking into my eyes. I saw him take a deep breath and began to exhale through his mouth causing an icy cold wind to strike my car and immediately the flames went out.”
Christina’s eyes popped open and stared at Terry. Is this guy for real, she thought, and continued listening to Terry.
“The crowd rushed forward and pulled me out of the car, and some guy named Hosea got credit for saving my life. He even got a medal or something from the county commissioners, but I knew who saved me, and it wasn’t Hosea. After that I joined a church in my neighborhood and haven’t looked back. My focus has completely changed, and what I laughed at before and made fun of, I now take very seriously. I want people to know that Hell is very real and that the way to get there is way too easy. I know that in that car where I thought I would breathe my last breath, that God heard me and came into my heart. I know he sent that angel to help me, to give me another chance. Now that I have literally been saved, I want to share my story and what God has done for me with others.”
The demon went from hopping mad, to concern, then to desperate. He immediately gave out a mental call to the bar demons for help. He could see them around the room whip their heads around and look in his direction. They untangled themselves from their current projects and moved over to the table. Code Red was in place for whatever was going to happen.
Christina knew that this is what she wanted. She began to talk, “I have wanted what you are talking about for a long time. I have been afraid to trust and open my heart to God. I think I have just needed someone to tell me how.”
Terry looked at her with a smile and said, “All you have to do is say this prayer after me…”
The noise was loud and quick. The bar demons had turned on the jukebox as loud as it would go. The sound was unbelievable. The demon and his helpers let out a long laugh and slapped each other on the back or whatever it was.
As the demon was feeling good about what had just happened, he stopped dead still and felt the air around him. It was electric. The air was thick with something but he wasn’t quite sure what. He looked around at the bar demons and they were sensing it too. They had begun to back up from the table and move to the sides of the room. The demon whirled around this way and that trying to figure out what was going on, what was happening. He had felt this before, a long time ago but he knew that it couldn’t be what he was thinking. The Demon Slayer had long been gone- casted away like a bunch of week old sandwiches and sour milk.
The demon had a feeling he hadn’t felt in a long time- fear; a fear that made his skin crawl and his eyes burn. This couldn’t be! He saw the Demon Slayer and what happened to him. His master, the demon caught himself bowing in fear, had bested The Demon Slayer years ago. I must be losing my touch, he thought. As much as he tried to minimize his feelings, they would not stop tingling. He was so overcome with his thoughts that he did not see in the middle of the room the glow start to appear. It was a deep blue light that twinkled at first then began to pulse.
The demon could sense him before he materialized—The Demon Slayer.
The demon screamed in fear and bared his teeth, a habit he had since the pre-adamite earth period—the time period of the original earth. The earth then was beautiful as it was covered with vegetation, animals, birds, fish, and yes, man. A beautiful being ruled over it, the Anointed Cherub that Covereth, who was perfect in all his ways from the day that he was created until iniquity was found in him. His heart was swollen because of his beauty and wisdom causing his down fall and corruption. He was known back then to the demon as the King of Tyrus.
It had been over a hundred years since anyone had seen The Demon Slayer. During a battle with Satan, or as he liked to be called, Beelzebub, the Demon Slayer did a strange thing. He bowed his head and held his sword up over his head and disappeared. Of Course Beelzebub, or “Boss” to his multitudes of demons, quickly claimed a victorious win and bragged of this day ever sinceuntil now.
The Demon Slayer stood there in front of him. He looked the same as he did one hundred years before except that he seemed more confident, more sure of himself. His body could have been carved out of granite or sculpted from steel as it seemed perfect in every way. His eyes though were the same—intense, piercing, and did not miss anything. In his right hand he held a sword of unbelievable size and proportion.
The Demon Slayer leaned against the sword in a relaxed manner but when he spoke, it came out as a deep rumble. A sound that put out such vibrations in the room that everyone stopped for a minute and looked about. When the bar patrons caught themselves standing as if frozen in time, they laughed it off and just shook their heads. “It must have been a new type of sub-woofer in a car going by” the bouncer yelled out and everyone shook their heads in agreement. It must have been. What else could it be?
The Demon Slayer said, “Demon, prepare to be locked away—you and all of your friends here.” The demon was horrified but the bar demons did not recognize The Demon Slayer and moved back to the center of the room, attempting to intimidate this creature that just showed up. The bar demons were pleased with the amount of power they believed they had and wanted to make quick work of this seemingly “do gooder.”
“Please don’t” the demon begged, “I am not ready to be locked away in that pit.” The bar demons looked at each other and cocked their heads. Who is this guy? They almost melted in their spots when they heard the demon speak in this manner. Who would this demon fear? He has terrorized us for hundreds of years and never has he spoken like this. It became clear when the man, as close as they could describe him, said in a loud voice—“I am The Demon Slayer. Prepare to be locked away.”
The bar demons raced for the doors of the bar before realizing they could not leave. They were assigned here and here was where they had to stay. Besides, why would they need to go through a door? The Demon Slayer lifted the sword in a smooth movement over his head and said, “Lord Jesus who holds the keys to the gates of Hell, lock these bar demons away to the bottomless pit.” A blue bolt shot from the sword and, for a lack of better word, zapped the entire group of bar demons in an instant. They screamed, not in pain, but in terror as their time had ended before they envisioned it. Though they were demons, even they feared Hell.
Now it was just the Demon Slayer and the demon in a room full of people who had no idea what was going on. The humans drank, danced, and carried on loud conversations while the two were locked in an intense gaze at one another.
“Where did you come from?” the demon spat at him in a cracking voice.
The Demon Slayer said “You didn’t really believe I was destroyed did you? It was no longer my time and I was not needed until this day, this hour. For the time draws near and the second return is close.”
The demon sputtered out, “It is not my time yet for the pit. Only Jesus can send me there and lock the door. What power do you have Demon Slayer?”
The Demon Slayer flatly stated, “The Lord has always used me throughout time for special assignments and helping to prepare the way even as John the Baptist did for Jesus. I was not needed for a season but now as time draws down, I am back to serve my Lord. It is time demon.” The demon knew it was pointless to try to escape or move on. This was it. The time he had always feared and dreaded. The Demon Slayer once again raised his powerful sword and in a flash, the demon was gone.
People in the bar immediately felt as if fresh air blew into the room. The air seemed light and sweet. People looked back and forth around the room to see if they could see a physical change of what caused the difference. Some people even mentioned how they were feeling, the best they have felt in years. Of course believing it was the alcohol, they quickly ordered another round. Even though the demons were gone, their earthly flesh, or desires if you will, were still strong and no amount of demons was needed for that.
Christina and Terry felt a powerful presence as they began to pray. This presence was as if heaven had come down engulfing and surrounding them. It felt like a warm blanket in a cold house, an ice cold glass of water on a blistering Georgia day. Terry again instructed Christina to repeat after him if she truly wanted to change her life and live not for herself, but for Jesus. She quickly nodded yes as Terry began. “Dear Jesus, I am a sinner and have not found any peace or goodness in myself. I ask you to forgive my sins as they are many and wash them away to never remember them. I am sorry for them and want to change my life to follow after you. To seek your word and truth through your holy word, the bible, to live my life after your example. Thank you Lord Jesus, in your name I pray. Amen.”
Tears poured from her eyes as she repeated Terry’s prayer and truly accepted Christ into her life. Terry told her how this was just the beginning. That she needed to get involved in studying the bible, memorizing scripture so that she would know the truth and could not be deceived, get involved in sharing her new found knowledge with others, and finding someone who could help her be accountable when she starts to slip.
Terry said, “Yes, I said when, not if, because Satan’s demons will double their efforts to stop you, to turn you off course so that you think you are doing the right thing but you are not and ever so slightly, you will not realize it. It only takes a tiny push and if you are not grounded in scripture and your desire to know God’s will for you, you will be led astray. I am sorry to say that churches are full of people who think they are going up instead of down because of attending on Easter and Christmas. Many come every week, listen to the sermon, and go back to their normal living the next day. Some even put into practice the topics the preacher hit upon during the sermon—of course in their own way and understanding.
Jesus says that the gate is narrow for those who will get into heaven, that even people who have attended church and been involved in church projects and mission trips will not be there for works are meaningless without surrender.”
Terry smiled and told Christina that he didn’t mean to sound so intense with her but she needed to know what was expected of her from Jesus. That people who say the prayer and live their normal life afterwards have not changed. Terry then described a friend, an eccentric friend that wears strange outfits and likes to get people’s attention. Just as everyone who comes in contact with that person knows there was something different about him, the Christian should be the same way. People should realize that this person is different, not living for the day or for the job but for something much more satisfying. People who observe him also want and crave what this person has, but they just can’t quite put their finger on what it was.
Christina leaned over and hugged Terry and thanked him for his willingness to share his heart, his journey. Terry was thrilled in helping Christina and began to look around to see who else he could talk to. Christina and Terry exchanged phone numbers and parted ways—Terry to another table and Christina to find Susan.
There was Susan sitting with a guy at the bar counter that Christina knew Susan did not like but she also knew Susan did not like to sit alone. Not for even a few minutes. Christina approached her and Susan launched herself off the stool like a V2 rocket demanding “where have you been? I looked all over this bar and could not find you. Did you leave?”
Christina was puzzled for she had been at the table with Terry not more than twenty feet from where Susan was seated. Why didn’t she see me? I was right there. Christina replied that she had been here all along but wasn’t sure why Susan didn’t see her. Susan in her normal demanding manner stated to Christina, “Let’s go. I’m tired and want to get out of here!” Christina couldn’t agree more.
Later that night when Christina had gotten her clothes ready for work the next day and made a hearty sack lunch that would last her through a long, busy day at the bank, she finally fell into bed. She was exhausted from the excitement and drama of the night. She quickly remembered what happened and rolled out of bed and knelt there beside it. She prayed long and hard in thanking God for her salvation and for Susan and her friends that needed to hear the words she had that night. She prayed for Terry and protection for him as he goes into dangerous situations sharing the word. She climbed back into bed and fell asleep almost instantly.
As Christina floated through her dreams, a figure appeared. A strong warrior it seemed who was looking at her intently and quietly said, “Christina, the Lord is pleased with you. Live the rest of your life faithfully and always seek to honor him.” Christina immediately threw herself to the ground and attempted to worship him. The strong warrior said in a loud and powerful voice, “Rise up sister for I am not to be worshipped. I am a servant just as you.”
Christina in almost a pleading voice said, “Who are you? Are you God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit?” In a flash of blue light that even in her dream blinded her, she heard him say, “I am Braytar—The Demon Slayer!” and then he was gone.
Army Readiness Solutions Business Unit Manager at Systems Products and Solutions (SPS) Inc.
2 年Tom, great job! Congratulations, Braytar!