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There is an article I recently read that really got me into thinking why practice owners are struggling so much with their advertising.
In the article, the author uses the analogy of thinking like an Archer rather than thinking like you are playing a game of Pin-The-Tail on the Donkey.
The basic premise was... “Archery isn’t all or nothing, where you get points only for hitting the bull’s-eye and everything else is a miss. An archer gets points for hitting the target at all.”
On the contrary... “pin the tail on the donkey. Instead of taking aim, you’re willingly blindfolding yourself to the target. And if you’re blindfolded, spinning around, and stabbing a pointy object, you’re about as likely to shiv the person cutting the cake as you are to land on the donkey’s butt.”
The reason I found this so intriguing as an analogy was because this is how I believe most individuals approach digital advertising.
They tell me “I have tried ads before and it has never worked for me.”
So I asked them, how didn’t it work?
They say, “well we spent $100 to $200 on an ad, and got no money in return”
This response is a direct example of playing Pin-The-Tail on the Donkey.
Their money, a.k.a the tail, is being thrown at the donkey, a.k.a. the market place. The way they see it is that they got no money back so paid ads are a ‘dud’, they ‘don’t work’, ‘my market isn’t on there’.
Where they should have the perspective of the Archer... Yes, you may have got no paying customers from your initial investment into ads...
BUT... What did you learn?
Have you thought about... What creatives connected better and got more clicks, what copy resonated with your target market better, where were your true bottlenecks within the campaign?
It hurts me to the soul when practices run a campaign for a week or two...
Don’t get their desired result...
And then just stop.
They could have been so close to finding the perfect ad that brings in their desired results... PAYING PATIENTS they can help!
I suggest changing your perspective of advertising... Be the archer... learn from the data... looking for your small wins... not just the end desired result!
If this resonated on any level and would like to get another eye on the campaign that you just can’t seem to see the wins, reply with a ‘Yes’, and we will be in touch!
Article Source: https://forge.medium.com/good-decision-making-depends-on-an-archers-mindset-bee8433223ba