It took a while before his sore back got well from the injuries the humans had inflicted on him. Once he reached his cousin’s home, he narrated his ordeal to Ostrich. On the other hand, Ostrich narrated to him how she saw humans felling trees and destroying their habitat. ‘All of a sudden, Elephant and her herd appeared grazing. The humans having been taken unaware, began throwing explosives at the herd of elephants. With one loud explosion the huge elephant fell lying on the ground. The rest of the Elephants scattered leaving their dead comrade on the ground,’ continued Ostrich. ‘I was so scared and wanted to run away. I hid behind the thick bushes shaking like a leaf,’ narrated Ostrich.
The Humans went near the dead Elephant and roughly sawed away its tusks and carried them away. ‘I was truly traumatized and what I witnessed truly affected me till now,’ continued Ostrich to her cousin. The wild animals had become very scared of humans and did not want to come into contact with them. On the other hand, it is common to see scavengers roaming and hovering around where human activity was taking place. ‘If I had power, it would be mandatory for the Humans to pay for their actions. For all the disaster they have caused, they would be heftily fined.