Brave New World?
In light of recent mass shootings I wonder if a few thoughts about a brave new world aren’t in order. Especially given what seems to be knee-jerk reactions that happen from some NRA members when there is a tragic event involving assault weapons.
Let’s all vote Republican because they protect our "Rights"…. We legislate the government to subsidize at least one assault weapon for every US citizen. So much for immigration. I mean everyone deserves the same Rights as you or me don’t they? Level the playing field. You shouldn’t just have the money to buy one. It’s not Socialism, think of its Corporate subsidy to support the Military Industrial Complex. They need a break from all the lobbying money they have to spend. Okay we’ll agree to only issuing weapons of USA manufacturing. Buy American!
How to pay for it you ask, we will just stop Social Security, if old people can’t feed themselves during inflation without a hand out they paid into all their working lives, too bad… only the strong survive, it will cull the herd. No Medicare either, same thinking. Can’t afford healthcare, you’ll just have to die, but you’ll have assault weapon keeping you warm! Now there is some Pro-life for you.
You ask what about school security? Every school age child should be armed to protect themselves given the solution is only one entrance making schools kill boxes similar to the classroom Texas. It shouldn’t just be teachers who are armed but every employee of school districts, lunch ladies, aids, secretaries, janitors, and bus drivers too. We could even use the ICE facilities for our schools, keep them locked up tight. Plus what they are taught about our history of Slavery and the foreign Holocaust can more easily be regulated! So let us white wash everything, it’s the perfect opportunity to not learn from History. There were never ever any mass shootings at schools. No children were killed, it’s just a conspiracy to take away our Rights.
What the heck everyone should have an assault weapon, even those with physical impairments and those with sensory deficiencies, like the Blind. Oh you say that’s not a good idea we’ll need regulations, sorry that might endanger your Rights. Therefore, no licensing permits would be necessary, no training, no wait times for your crazy X girlfriend, no background checks or mental health screenings, people in mental institutions and prisons get an assault weapons too. No more black market since we will be giving gang bangers everything they need, now that’s income directly to gun manufacturers.
Then we can all become Christians praying to Jesus we don’t get picked off in a shopping center parking lots because we took someone else’s parking spot or for no reason at all other then to just pop someone. But you’ll be armed, so no worries. Go to a grocery store, place of worship or concert knowing you can protect yourself. There wouldn’t be any need for law enforcement cause we’d all be armed with our own weapons to protect our homesteads, businesses and belongings. No more protestors either. Just pray to Jesus you are a better shot. And with assault weapons, odds are good you’ll hit something!
While we’re at it, no more sexual identity labels, no LGBQT, no more Gay, no more Trans, or whatever your flavor or fetish, we can all be Ammosexuals!
We have to do whatever it takes to protect our Rights to bare arms, and that means all of us get weapons, not little pea shooters, I’m talking assault weapons to the max. This is the Home of the Free and the Land of Brave damn it, everybody gets guns. Here’s list to chose from, make sure you pick American made.
In this way there won’t be any threat of regulations to the Rights of gun ownership, you’ll be “protected”. If kids die, oh well, you’ll still have your AR15 under your bed at night, and your RIGHTS intact.
If you find this a horrible and distasteful post you are correct, it is. However, this is the reality we find ourselves in where our legislators and smaller percentage of population are holding us hostage to the idea that their Rights supersede those of the majority to a safe living environment where there is regulations on assault weapons. The relentless repeating Republican/NRA party line of “no regulations at any cost in any manner”. My father did not serve in the Navy during WWII for the Rights of anyone to have an assault weapon. Neither did is peers serve for this. So Memorial Day, consider how ludicrous it is to have assault weapons available to the general untrained public when it was the military for which the weapons were designed.
Well then, how would the world look with INSANITY in charge? It’s well past time for common sense gun regulation. No one should be able to obtain an assault weapon with less regulations than a driver’s license. Have a think on it because until you have lost a loved one to firearms you know nothing of the grief and pain, your thoughts and prayers are hollow. Weapons don’t make you powerful, empowerment comes through connection to your soul, an awareness of love. This has been written with Peace in mind! America needs to come to terms with this NOW. If you want a different world it takes action based in common sense.
All manner of printed matter.
2 年In my small town, my name is checked two times when I vote. Once before I am handed a ballot and once before I put the paper ballot in the tabulator.
Fractional CMO | Media Architect - Mastering the mix of messaging and media to transform customer relationships. #Insight #Content #Demand #Loyalty
2 年...and no one should get to vote unless they are a citizen with a valid ID.