Brass Fasteners for various industries
Brass fasteners with strong, corrosion-resistant properties. Brass fastener material has moderate hardness, low density, easy to process and use, so it is widely used in construction, machinery and furniture.
* The use of brass fasteners in the construction field of the scene:
1.Fasteners in construction, can ensure the structure of the building is strong and safe.
2.Connectors in plumbing and electrical installations: In plumbing and electrical installations, brass fasteners can be used on various connectors, such as water pipes and electrical conduits.
*Brass fasteners in the field of machinery in the use of the scene:
1. Fasteners in machine assembly: brass fasteners are commonly used on various fasteners in machine assembly, such as tractors, automobiles, ships and airplanes, and other machinery and equipment.
2. The main material in machine manufacturing: brass fasteners can be one of the commonly used materials in machine manufacturing, which can improve the service life and performance of the machine due to its excellent physical properties.
*Brass fasteners in the furniture field of the use of the scene:
1. Furniture connectors: various accessories in furniture, such as screws, nuts, nails, etc., can choose brass nuts to make furniture more beautiful and sturdy.
2. Decoration making: brass nuts can also be used as materials for furniture decorations, such as cushions or carts made up of screws.
In short, brass fasteners have an important role in construction, machinery and furniture. Select brass fasteners have the advantages of corrosion resistance, strong and easy to process, it is worth to be applied.