Brands: In search of the blindingly obvious
“Most brand strategies end up being a penetrating insight into the blindingly obvious.” I love this quote which comes from Jane Lingham, the BBC’s Director of Brand. It sums up neatly the dichotomy of brand development…how can something so simple be so hard to get right?
Because the basic concepts of brand strategy are simple. Having a clear brand is essentially about knowing what you stand for, why you are different and what makes you compelling. I get frustrated by brand experts who cloak their trade in complex models and long words. It’s not necessary. We should all be in search of the “blindingly obvious”. But just because it’s obvious when you get there, that doesn’t mean it’s easy to find.
You need to create time and space within your business to reflect on your offering and what makes you different. You also need to be able to take a step outside yourself and look at your business critically from the perspective of your customers. It’s not who you think you are, but who they think you are that counts. How do they place you amongst others offering a similar product or service?
You can only come up with the “penetrating insight” if you really understand the people you are trying to reach. You need to understand the barriers and motivators to buying your product or using your services. You also need to push beyond the rational decision making process to unearth the emotions and values underneath.
Once you have that understanding, what you need to do and how you need to present yourself becomes “blindingly obvious”. It is a straightforward connection between what you offer and what someone wants. If it feels difficult or complicated, then you’re not there yet and you need to delve deeper.