Brands are Launching Limited-access Apps for Superfans as ultimate brand experience. And it works.
pepe villaverde
Head of Creatives - Global Creative Director at Hunkem?ller | Global Brand Strategy | Digital Integration | Brand Experiences | Transformation | Leadership
Lifestyle global brands are activating under-the-radar apps to build strong customer relationships, where engaged fans add value and we learn from their insights in real-time.
The process that is changing brand relationships with customers is for example as follows: You unlock the phone, and automatically check the app as the last two or three times in the same hour. An endless feed of squared photos, users framed on circles, you tap a heart to like the images. Dozens of comments attached to every post. And still I can swear that it is not instagram. The wireframe may look like it, but the purpose of this app not even remotely. This is Studio Connect, an under-the-radar app developed by Target two years ago (Time goes fast isn’t it?) With the intention of connecting the Target design teams with the customer they are designing for. You may say… so it is just a branded instagram but there is a huge difference that makes this approach to apps a game changer.
Not just anyone can be part of it. Target keeps a small group of users at around 600 members (we are talking about 0,002% of it’s 30 million weekly shopper base). Each member is personally invited to take part, and they are recruited via research channels and receipt polls. On top of that, they are not paid for the service, but can earn points that generate some advantages as consumers. The biggest motivation of this 600 committed fans is that they are part of the feedback loop, seeing and trying product in an early stage, while encouraging target to develop products that they will love to buy, and as they, probably a big part of the 30 million. What makes this experience so different from instagram, is that this superfans are helping to shape Target into the Target they want.
Under-the-radar uber-exclusive apps, can connect brands with users, in real-time. Making the customer-centre concept a Design Thinking Ideal. —'Now-Brands for people living the now—
What was the brilliant and simple idea behind Target Studio Connect? Target realised that while products are being developed faster than ever, conventional consumer insight research methods are very slow and by the time a product developer has his questions answered they may not be relevant anymore. Think how much time takes to run official polls, or coordinating in-person focus groups. Not one single focus group but different ones. Having in mind the eternal research question, that makes outcomes not always as reliable and that people usually don’t give anything for nothing. As Julis Guggemos Sr Vice President of Product Design of Target says “Studio Connect enables our designers to interact with guests at any point while developing products,”
Think of it as having a line of committed product users sitting continuously on the other side of the product designers, design thinking to its best. No consumer feedback to generic mail, no talk to cold hearted bots, just actions and interactions. Designers can ask the crowd anything they are wondering about. Of course there are some sub-targeting that directs your insta-research. What is amazing is that within 24 hours, the questions they post have an average of 40 to 50 responses, from the community of brand fans.After a grade-school girl submitted drawings for a clothing line, her mom got an update that it hit stores, and within an hour, the girl was proudly posing for a photograph with her inspired garments (which she then bought and wore to school the next day). Target designers get an insight to kids’ minds and tastes that they wouldn’t otherwise–and members get to enjoy being part of the process, even if they receive no public credit or proceeds.
— offering dedicated apps for the most dedicated consumers makes sense for brands, because it helps to drive high emotional engagement.
Part of what powers community is the sense that you’ve somehow been chosen to be included, the private exclusivity experience allows to build a close-relationship with the brand super-fans adding an emotional value, while learning in real-time about their experiences and motivations, their needs and trends. With the advantage of generate a PR value of the charts, and being able to react within current brand speed.
Is Target the only one? Not close. Did you check Adidas Tango? Another addictive super-fan app, where users submit challenges and others attempt to achieve, see it as a fans-for-fans channel power by Adidas brand —again showing 2019 trend of brands becoming facilitators not just advisors or curators—. After accumulating the most votes from your app peers, you increase not only your recognition within the global community, but you get a full rewarding system behind that reinforces the progress within levels in the app, you can even we eligible for celebrity-signed products or match tickets!
This February, Nike reactivated the NikePlus Unlocks, and app based on user’s personal interest and goals, mixing music, guided meditation and fitness classes. And as well launched SNKRS (Acronym for Sneakers) where geo-location missions unlock access to products and the ability to view models through AR.
Ralph Lauren is launching Polo App, targeting brand loyalist was first available to a selected and reduced group, its results were showing how much consumers wanted to interact with the brand beyond a social media cold like. Was designed to engage customers through limited-edition product launches, as well as exclusive content and insider access, such as the ability to shop vintage or curated items. It also solicits feedback on new product releases. “The app allows us to create a direct and ongoing dialogue with our highly engaged community, reward their enthusiasm and also act as a test bed for innovation and new ideas,” said Chief Innovator Officer David Lauren.
Part of what powers community is the sense that you’ve somehow been chosen to be included.
Unfortunately the app is planning to opened up to a wider group and roll out internationally in 2019 as a traditional 'scale up the model to reach as large as possible target' strategy. We will see how the app will definitely attract a vast number of brand enthusiasts, though at a price of loosing the special limited-edition halo, not sure if making it mainstream available could be consider the right way of reinforcing exclusivity. Making it just another branded app in the market.
Think about the useful insights happening almost in real-time from the people that not only likes your brand, but that are lovers of it. They can help the brand and product to take next steps, explore areas out of comfort zone, create one-of-a-kind products or even beta's and at the same time you are building an exclusive club, full of people that is willing to become your best ambassadors. As the research shows, engaged consumers not only promote the brand among their family and friends, but they will also spend up to twice as much with those brands. Studies show that upward of 80 percent of consumers are willing to share data with brands if they feel that the outcome will be a better product or experience.
During last years we saw several brands taken Consumers-centre policies as their motto’s gasoline. In this case it is for real, feedback loop doesn’t just happen after a product comes out. It happens at any moment during the product development process.
What’s most important is that brands first understand precisely what kind of information they need to deliver these consumer expectations and then be sure to let the community know that their feedback is furthering the evolution of the brand and creating products that should be better the first time around as a result.
Pepe Villaverde, is #CreativeDirector and #BrandConsultant of International Creative Boutique Mamma Soup, where he is helping leader lifestyle brands to become future-proof brands —— Follow me on my journey of help designing brands, digital adoption and creating human experiences.
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