Brands in the ceramic tile industry
One way to assess the performance of a brand is by measuring recall. With a representative sample of current and potential clients (consumers), a spontaneous recall survey is developed first and then a guided recall survey.
the spontaneous question could be:
What brand of ceramic or porcelain tile do you know?
then a guided question:
Do you recognize any ceramic brand in the following names?
Portobello, Embramaco, Carmelo Fior, Incefra, Cedasa, Eliane, etc
The list may include brands of other types of products: Consul, Walker, Fisher, etc. for validation.
Obviously, the most valuable question is the first (spontaneous).
A brand must be remembered by the consumer and be associated with benefits or attributes that make it different, if possible unique. In this industry, a good example can be Porcelanosa.
Google trends measures word queries (brands)
Google trends is not a substitute for a brand measurement, it does not measure brand awareness or image or the associated attributes. It shows an evolution of the queries in your search engine and compares them with others, in quantities that exceed millions of data, in a very long time, which increases its reliability. See limitations * (1)
What happens on the Internet and in the Google search engine must be of great interest to a brand, because:
"Most of our customers' shopping experience really begins in the digital world, even if it ends in the physical world." Craig Menear, President and CEO, Home Depot
Google trend in Mexico
Mexico is a market of 240 million square meters and is supplied more than 85% by the local industry: Lamosa - Porcelanite, Interceramic, Vitromex and Daltile (Mohawk), the rest comes from Spain, India, China and others.
What is the ceramic tile consumer looking for on the Internet?
Remodeling and new construction of homes accounts for 70% of ceramic consumption. The final consumer intervenes in the process of choosing materials by browsing the Internet, searching.
What is the consumer looking for? mainly a generic product: porcelanato (especially in Brazil, Argentina, Perú, Colombia and others)
With 796 million m2, Brazil is the second largest ceramic market in the world.
The goal is to dominate the industry keywords
Why does Expedia have a sign, and not an Expedia sign, in UEFA?
Expedia ($ 9.7 billion in sales) owns: aims to create highly targeted traffic, then leverage its different business models.
Its biggest competitor, Priceline ($ 10 billion in sales) owns Both companies have the best Internet addresses (domain names).
Advertising is Google's core business. When hiring advertising, brands buy "keywords" (example: “porcelain tile wood look”). In the age of the Internet, companies are creators of content for the web. Everything is ordered by titles and keywords. The sounds, the images have tags. Tags are everywhere. And it is what you buy in Google ads: keywords.
Keywords need to be carefully defined, but especially titles. *(2)
Customers want: product, price and delivery. The link should take you to that (relevance).
Saint Gobain is number one in selling ceramics and porcelain tiles in Europe, in France created a website to help find professionals for construction, remodeling and decoration:
The Homly-you strategy is effective because it is present when customers want to remodel and then promotes the Saint Gobain store network.
Author: Julio Sol
(1) Limitations of Google trends:
In the case of names like Johnson, Portobello, Mohawk, Armstrong, Shaw, etc. It is difficult to discriminate who the word corresponds to, due to the number of identical names, even using filters.
The information does not show quantities, but rather proportions between names.
(2) What are the concrete words?
These are the “titles” of some websites of the ceramic industry:
Daltile Ceramic & Porcelain Tile For Flooring, Walls, & More
Cerámica | Ba?os | Cocinas | PORCELANOSA Grupo
Porcelanatos e revestimentos ceramicos - Portobello
Pisos y Azulejos Para Ba?os Cocina y Mas | Interceramic
Eliane Revestimentos
Dise?o y fabricación de productos cerámicos - Pamesa Cerámica
Grespania, tradición e innovación azulejera
Ceramicas Aparici
Pavimento | Revestimiento porcelánico | Keraben
Início - Grupo Fragnani
Los Mejores Acabados para tu Hogar | Celima - Trebol
Grupo Cedasa
Corona Colombia
Vos travaux de rénovation avec La Maison Saint-Gobain porcelanato porcellanato