Branding for your e-mails
You will probably wonder what exactly I want to say with this email branding and why I think that it is so important that I wrote an article about it. ??
Well.. Here is where it all started. Last week I got an email from a nice lady that works as an health insurance assistant at a pretty big company. I did not notice her email at first did not have a subject??. I said?'Okai, it can happen, let's see what is this all about'. She made me some offers regarding health insurances (obviously) and tried to close the sales funnel, but...?
As I went down her email I noticed that it was a block of test that did not event started with capital letters when it had a new paragraph and the email was sent from her personal e-mail address. Also, in her signature there was nothing about the company that she works for, or the position that she has or any information regarding her profession. She had, though, the link to her personal fashion blog. ??
The purpose of this article is not to bully the nice lady mentioned above :D, but to give some suggestions from my experience in the matter of how can we make our emails look appealing, professional and also ad a little bid of personality if we want to.?
1. Pls never send e-mails without subject :(
The most important reason why you should not send and e-mail without subject is that you might want the recipient to prioritise your email is some way. If you do not enter the subject of discussion, they might consider it unimportant or something unintended.
Let's make an exercise of imagination. You have a very busy day and at some point you receive this email from a person you do not know:
If you do not enter then, there are pretty big chances to forget about it or to open it and just leave it for 'later'. :D
If you send a first email to someone it would be better for you if they understand form the subject what the email will be about or have at least an idea.?
My suggestion will be to include a subject in the first place and make it as brief as possible so that people who will receive your e-mails will have bright light bulb for what the e-mail will be about :D.
2. Make sure your signature says enough about who you are and what you do.?
Just in case you say your name, phone, position that you have in the company and other info every time you write an email you can skip this signature thing ??.
I mean, would't you want to have something that follows your emails everywhere and present yourself, what you do for the company and even buttons that lead to your company's social platforms??
Let me show you some tools and tips of how you could make your signature reflect your organisation, values and also include relevant info.?
3. Bold, italic and underline are still cool. ;D
Yesss, they are. Please don't make them boring and don't let them in a drawer covered in dust ??
What I mean by this is that text can be stylistically enhanced too. If you really want to help the reader understand your message better and came to the same conclusions after reading it, marking with bold the most important ideas and with italic the secondary ones might be efficient for both sides.
Tell me, what message do you consider easier to read and understand?
4. Colors. For the personal touch ??
Now, what do you say about this? You can introduce a personal touch in your e-mails by using your company's brand colors or event make a mix between yours and your clients'. You can color with your color the tasks or phrases that are related to you and with their color the task or requirements that are for them. It just makes everything a little more fun and personalised. :D
You do not really have to write a super fancy email every time you send an email. You will probabilly say 'Girl, I write 30 email a day, I would go crazy to put colors, metaphors and bold on every one' and that is okai, I agree with you ??. But, when you send an email to a person for the first time or you write some tasks for your team members some effort for making it feel personalised it will never be a bad idea. ??
I hope that you found this article helpful and it motivated you just a little bit to start rethinking the way your e-mails look.
Let me know if you know other methods of ''branding the e-mails''. ??
-Cristina C.