Branding Does Make A Difference
To: TheJoyFM
Subject: Bumper Sticker Needed!!
Precious People!
I really need a new bumper sticker! On November 11, 2011, I was driving to visit my oldest daughter's family (4 grandchildren!) at about 1:30 in the morning, alone, on I-26 in South Carolina when suddenly the center reflectors on the road disappeared and a large deer(?) appeared! I tapped the brake to turn off the cruise control, and leaned in to see more clearly, when the left wheels fell off of the highway, taking the car with them on a wild ride over wet grass, past several trees ("Missed that one! Missed that one! Missed...BAM!) until I stopped suddenly. I had been going 70mph, but, as I looked around, I was amazed to note my book on tape was still going, the lights were still on, there was no broken glass or crushed parts in the passenger compartment, and the air bag was smoking, limp on the steering wheel of my Pontiac Vibe. I could tell I had been punched in the chest, but I was otherwise okay, so I opened the door (3/4's of the way still worked!) and got out of the smoke. A young couple stopped and came running, to be shocked I was standing there okay, so they called for help while I searched for my cellphone to call my daughter, to tell her what had happened, and to wait for me to figure out what I had to do.
The Highway Patrol woman was very nice, an ambulance arrived (and left!), and a van stopped on the far side of the northbound lanes. A lady ran across the road and asked if I had been the driver. "Yes," I replied, so she asked where I had been heading. I told her Columbia, SC, wondering why she would ask...or stop when help was already there.
She said, "I am going to Charlotte. I could take you to Columbia. It's right on the way!"
In my state of mind, all I could say was, "I couldn't ask you to wait for the paperwork and towing and everything I need to do, but thank you so much!"
She said, "You listen to my radio station. I'll wait. The kids (three) will be fine." REWIND!
"You listen to my radio station. I'll wait." She had spotted your bumpersticker on my back window! She ended up taking me to my daughter, and then picking me up again on the way home Sunday afternoon for the ride back to Tampa.
By then, I was quite sore, but also very grateful to be alive, so I told her she must let me pay for the gas on the way home. It was the least I could do. As we drove, she talked to her husband and told him that he need not worry. I was paying for the gas to get home from this necessary trip. She had been worried about running out of money before she ran out of road! I was helping her, too!
My Joy FM bumpersticker made her confident that helping me was the right thing to do. Her KNOWING Joy FM made me confident that I could let her. Now I have finally gotten another car, but I do not feel as safe without a JOY FM 91.5 sticker on my please, could I please have another one?-) We are MMMP's and love the Lord, and love what you do to share him. Who knew how he would work in this situation?