Brand Protection

Brand Protection

Surelock’s Brand Protection Team are part of one of oldest established Investigative and Security Consultancy companies in UK, consistently carrying out investigations and achieving some of the largest seizures of our clients’ counterfeits, also policing the internet worldwide for infringements.

We are retained by some of the world’s most popular brands and are often in the news as a result of our successes, we have been doing this work for over 25 years, so we really do know what we are talking about.

During recent years, we have been directly responsible for some of the biggest seizures of counterfeit designer wear, high end watches and perfumes ever seen in UK, working with the authorities to take these sometimes-dangerous products off the streets and assisting in the prosecution of major criminal gangs.

These results only come about because of dedication and a great deal of hard work by our brand protection team.

  • Being out on the ground not in the office
  • Gaining information
  • Identifying locations
  • Carrying out covert reconnaissance?
  • Undercover operatives making test purchases
  • Surveillance, covert and electronic
  • Establishing where the bulk of the counterfeits are stored
  • Authenticating the items as counterfeit
  • Compiling a comprehensive report of our findings
  • Liaising with law enforcement and arranging raid action
  • Working alongside enforcement officers on the day of the actual raid
  • Making massive seizures not only for our own clients but for others
  • Providing evidence to the authorities to assist with a prosecution.

This is what an experienced pro-active brand protection company does.

One of our cases recently resulted in the infringer being sentenced to 43 months imprisonment and a £500,000 + Proceeds of Crime Order, another very recent case with the seizure of over £500,000 worth of counterfeit designer wear and arrest of the offenders.

We have worked for some brands who have had the most serious counterfeit problems and managed to get this under control with the help of the authorities.

We are fortunate to have a very dedicated team of professionals, drawn from Police, Trading Standards, HM Customs, Military and the Private Sector, backed up by experienced undercover and surveillance operatives, that’s why we can offer a service second to none.

So, if you are serious and looking for help with your brand protection, look no more, we will assist you to design an anti-counterfeit strategy, police the internet and marketplace to keep your brand safe.


