Branched Chain Amino Acids~Turtle~Diabetic Retinopathy~  Orchid~P53 Suppressor Gene~Flour Moth~Metabolic Substrate~B Vitamins~Choline~High Frequency

Branched Chain Amino Acids~Turtle~Diabetic Retinopathy~ Orchid~P53 Suppressor Gene~Flour Moth~Metabolic Substrate~B Vitamins~Choline~High Frequency

As, For “Space Forming Branched Chain Amino Acids”, As, “Human’s Nutritional Essential Dietary”, As, For “Stars Become Less Luminous”, As, Getting Hotter, As, To “Migrate”, As, “To The Horizontal Branch”, As, For Horizontal Branch Stage Of Stellar Evolution, As, For Star’s Increasing Temperature, As, For Stars, As, To Move To The Left, As, “An Evolutionary Stage”, As, For “Branches”, As, “To Show The Path Of Transmission Of Genetic Information”, As, For “Branch Lengths And Genetic Change”, As, For Gene’s DNA, As, For “Producing Molecular Amino Acid Proteins”, As, For “P53 Tumor Suppressor Gene”, As, For “Branched Chain Amino Acids”, As, For Space Forming Amino Acid Molecules, As, To “Build Human’s Proteins”, As, For Space Forming Chains Of Amino Acids, As, “Polypeptides”, As, For “Sequences”, As, Encoded In A “Gene”, As, For “Peptides”, As, “On Interstellar Ices”, As, For Peptides, As, Space Forming Organic Compounds, As, For Space Forming Volatile Organic Compounds, As, For “Human’s Diabetic Retinopathy”, As, For Space Forming Organic Compounds, As, In “Plants”, As, “Human’s Dietary”, As, For “Lower Incidence”, As, Of “Human’s Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus”, As, For “Organic Compounds” And “Human’s Diabetes Mellitus”, As, For Space Forming Bioactive Compounds, As, In “Berries”, As, “Space Forming Phenolic Compounds”, As, Human’s Anti-Cancer Motions, As, For “Inhibiting Cell Adhesion”, As, For Space Forming Organic Compounds, As, Human’s Medicinal Terpenes, Esters, Aldehydes, Alcohols, Ketones And “Diazoles”, As, For 1,3 Diazole, As, An “Organic Compound”, As, “Human’s Antihypertensive”, As, For Space Forming Diazoles, As, “Human’s Anticancer Motions”, As, For “Berries” Space Forming Phenolic Compounds, As, For Space Forming Organic Molecules, As, “In Interstellar Clouds And The Milky Way”, As, For “Strawberries Space Forming “Methyl Butanoate”, As, A “Fatty Acid Ester”, As, “From Space Forming Essential Oils Of Vegetables”, As, For Space Forming Methyl Butyrate, As, In “Peristeria elata”, As, An “Orchid”, As, For “Orchidaceae”, As, “Human’s Anticancer Motions”, As, For “Medicinal Orchids”, As, For Fruit Juice, As, For “Human’s Skin Ulcers”, As, A “Lithophytic Orchid”, As, A Plant, As, “To Grow On Rocks” Or Stoney Soil, As, For Deriving “Nutriment”, As, From The Atmosphere, As, For “Human’s Dietary Antioxidants And Space Form Folic Acid”, As, For “Human’s Chemoprevention”, As, Of Gastric Cancer, As, To Enhance, Gastric Epithelial Apoptosis, As, For Space Forming Folic Acid, As, A Form Of “Folate”, As, For “Folate And Making New Cells”, As, For Folate Space Forming Vitamin B Complexity, As, In “Green Leafy Vegetables” And “Grains”, As, For “Folate Deficiency”, As, “To Induce Breaks”, As, In “DNA Strands”, As, In P53 Tumor Suppressor Gene, As, For “Human’s Chromosome 17, As, For Space Forming Folate, As, B Vitamins, As, For “Flour Moth Caterpillars”, As, “Ephestia kuehniella”, As, To Grow Slowly, As, For Space Forming Dietary B-Complex Vitamins, As, For Space Forming Vitamin B And Cancer And Immune Regulating, As, For Space Forming Vitamins, As, “Organic Compounds”, As, For “Vitamins In Plants”, As, For “Wild Elephants P53 Anticancer Gene”, As, For P53 Gene, As, To Prevent Mutated Cells, As, From Becoming Tumors, As, For ”Elephants”, As, To Eat “Tree Roots”, As, For “Root Tips Of Plants”, As, For Leaves , As, In The “Light”, As, To Contain More Space Forming Vitamin B, As, In Leaves, As, Transported To Root Tips Growing, As, For High Dose, As, Of Vitamin B, As, To Reduce Proliferation, As, In Cancer Cell Lines, As, For Space Forming Vitamin B, As, In “Bee Pollen”, As, For 9.2Mg Of B Vitamins Per 1,000 Milligrams Of Bee Pollen, As, For “Honey’s Space Forming Folic Acid, As, For “Honey’s Space Forming Vitamin B6, Riboflavin And Niacin, As, For Human’s Space Form Vitamin B6 Deficiency Could Cause “Human’s Diabetes Mellitus”, As, For “Space Forming Vitamin B6 Antioxidant Molecule”, As, “Beneficial”, As, To Diabetes Mellitus, As, For “Molecular Changes”, As, In Cells Of Humans, As, With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, As, A “Metabolic Dis-ease”, As, For “Turtle’s Low Metabolism”, As, For Supercooled Turtles, As, To Reduce The Delivery, As, Of “Metabolic Substrates”, As, For Human’s Metabolic Substrates, As, To Produce Energy, As, For Human’s Brain, As, To Consume Metabolic Substrates, As, For “Green Sea Turtles”, As, To Eat “Sea Grass”, As, For Sea Grass Space Forming Phenols, Flavonoids And “Space Forming Bioactive Lipids”, As, “Anti-Hyperglycemic Motions”, As, For Shrimp’s Space Forming Vitamin B12 And Space Forming Choline, As, For “Human Heart Muscle Healthy”, As, For Human’s Space Form Choline Intake, As, Associated With A Decrease Risk, As, Of “Human’s Breast Cancer”, As, For “Space Forming Choline Nutrient”, As, In “Human’s Phospholipids”, As, To Make Up “Human Cell’s Membranes”, As, For “Choline’s Space Forming Ethanolamine Residues”, As, With Three Methyl Groups Attached To The Same “Nitrogen Atom”, As, For Space Forming Ethanolamine, As, Metabolized, As, By “Wheat”, Apple And Carrot, As, For Ethanolamine Metabolism, As, In “Plants”, As, For “Metal Free Stars”, As, To Produce Low Quantities, As, Of “Primary Nitrogen”, As, For Space Forming Alkaloids, As, “Organic Compounds Space Forming, As, To Contain At Least One “Nitrogen Atom”, As, For “Space Forming Alkaloid Nitidine Chloride”, As, “From Roots Of Zanthoxylum nitidum”, As, “An Evergreen Climbing Plant”, As, For “Treating “Human’s Venomous Snake Bites”, As, For “Complex Systematics”, As, Of Planets, As, For Planet’s Wide Range Of “Elements”, As, For “Human’s Higher Brain Multi-Scale Organization”, As, “Complex Systematics”, As, For “Emergent Functionality”, As, “Organizational Structural Connectivity”, As, Of Human Brain’s Cortex, As, “Multi-Potential”, As, For Supra Granular Layers And Connections, As, In “Human’s Cortical Layers”, As, For “Human’s Higher Cognitive Functions”, As, For “Human Brain’s Potential”, As, Of “Core Wave Mechanism”, As, For “High Frequency Energy.” Thank-you.


