BranchCreation celebrates 7 years!

BranchCreation celebrates 7 years!

Get to know us more thoroughly!

What do we do?

At BranchCreation we are specialized in providing all the necessary services to create and manage development teams in Spain for technology companies, mainly from the US and the European Union. Our focus is to help build and manage the branch, as well as hire the best software developers to build a quality, high-performing workforce.

We differentiate ourselves: We are not a consultancy or a subcontracting company

Our solutions are based on providing our clients with a highly trained team of developers, expanding their workforce according to their specifications.

About us?

Our core team is made up of four members:

  • Jose León: Founder and CEO. Programmer with more than 30 years of experience. Specialized in advising on good programming practices and in the management and technical coordination of relocated teams.
  • Pascual Sánchez: Founder and head of administration. Specialized in administrative management, creation of branches, real estate, insurance, etc. and the needs of the branch.
  • Verónica García: Founder and head of human resources. Graduated in psychology and specialized in creating teams from scratch, career plans, team building, travel, conflict resolution and maintenance of team cohesion and motivation.
  • Mar Blanes: Talent acquisition. Master in Human Resources Management. Specialized in technical profiles, as well as network management and content creation.

With which countries have we worked?

We have worked with companies from different countries, including:

  • France.
  • Germany.
  • USA.
  • Spain.
  • Canada.
  • Belgium.
  • Denmark.
  • Ireland.
  • United Kingdom.

We create international teams without discrimination

Our teams have been made up of professionals of various nationalities:

  • Spanish people
  • French
  • Italians
  • Argentines
  • romanians
  • Ukrainians
  • Germans
  • Colombians
  • Moroccan
  • Slovenes
  • Venezuelans
  • Americans

Explore more about our work and team! Do not hesitate to follow our page to be aware of the latest news and contact us if any of our services are of interest to you.



