Brainwashing Myself
The human mind is incredibly susceptible to suggestion.
Inception is a real thing, except you don't have to enter someone's dreams to change their mind. It's as simple as using the right words in conversation.
I know this to be true because I've been brainwashing myself all day, every day, all year. Quite successfully in fact!
We are what we think about all day long. So when I keep the thought and the image and most importantly, the feeling of my goal front and center, it makes it that much easier for me to manifest a million dollars and tirelessly work towards achieving it.
Here are my favorite tools for brainwashing myself:
Visualization Meditation - first thing in the morning, I sit down for about 5 minutes to meditate on my office floor. I listen to some calming music and relive the scene I created in my head of the moment I realize I've hit my goal: I finish writing in my journal, close the cover, and log into my laptop. I head to my Kickstarter campaign and scroll down to see the number crossed over the million mark. I feel the excitement and relief of my goal achieved wash over me. Then I start drafting the final newsletter I write in this series and imagine all I'll do with this time back every night.
Stream of Subconscious - immediately after this exercise, I open up my journal and close my eyes. I replay the same music track I just listened to again. I ask myself what I need to do to achieve this goal - today, this week, right now. I wait until the answers come to me and write down the first thing that comes to mind. I write to myself instead of from myself - you need to, you are...etc.
Aspiration Exercise - one of the many journaling exercises I practice. In this one, I write down something desired as if it has already happened. I imagine the scenario as done and live out what I'm thinking and how I'm feeling. I often target an experience I want to manifest in the next week or so but sometimes that day or much further out. Depends on the day and week.
Mantra - upwards of 7 times a day, I read aloud my daily mantra. It is a set of beliefs I want to create or reinforce. No more than 5 or 6 sentences. The one I have now is focused on my ability to manifest and create the life I want. It reinforces that everything always works out for me, that I am the happiest I've ever been in my life, and that I can find the good in anything : )
Autosuggestion - right after reading my mantra, I listen to a 2-minute recording that I wrote and recorded myself. It is similar to the scene I created and use in my Visualization Meditation. It too is set in the future and talks about my goal of manifesting a million dollars as if it has already been achieved. I talk about how my life has changed for the better and how excited and grateful I am that I have achieved my goal.
Gratitude - before bed, I write 3 or more things I am grateful for but similar to the above, I write things down that I want to achieve in the future as if they are already done. I express gratitude for the things that I want in my life but not from a place of lack or longing. I imagine that I've already achieved them and how grateful they make me feel.
Emotional Control - I practice this one in real time. Whenever life makes me feel frustrated, sad, mad, or any other negative emotion, I take a deep breath. I imagine the situation I'm currently experiencing from a different perspective; in a more positive mood. I laugh through the pain and it often creates a more desirable reality for me. Often almost immediately.
Between all of these exercises and more, I am constantly tricking myself into living and creating a better life. I tell myself things I don't believe until they come true. I feel the way I want to feel and then I do.
I am in control of my life because I am constantly lying to myself and brainwashing myself into living a better life. It seems crazy but it works. It absolutely is crazy because it works!
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I am manifesting $1M working for myself this year. Follow the Manifest a Million Challenge every Sunday through Thursday night - a look at my progress, plans, and thoughts throughout it all.
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