Brainteaser?Interview Questions or Meeting Ice Breakers

Brainteaser?Interview Questions or Meeting Ice Breakers

Brain teaser interview questions are a great way to test the problem-solving skills of a candidate. They are also a great way to see how well the person can think on their feet. They are not for everyone, but for those who want to stand out, they can be a great asset.


These questions are used in interviews to assess the skills of a candidate. They are designed to test a range of these skills including problem solving and creativity. People who solve these brain teaser questions correctly are able to think outside the box and come up with creative solutions. They also have the ability to think analytically and solve problems quickly.


Question 1:?

At exactly noon each day a scientist puts a bacteria in a petri dish. Every minute the bacteria divides in two. When it's at 1pm, the dish is full. What was the time when the dish was half full?


This question is not a trick question and doesn’t require the candidate to find out any extra information. The answer is quite simple. If every minute the bacteria doubles, and it’s full at 1pm. It would have been half full a minute earlier at 12:59pm.

Question 2:?

You have 50 black balls and 50 white balls and 2 buckets. How can you divide the balls into each bucket to maximize the probability of selecting a black ball at random? The ball can be chosen from either bucket at random.


For candidates to successfully answer this they should say:

There is just under a 75% chance of having a black ball chosen. It would be wise to put 1 black ball in 1 of the buckets and all the 99 balls in the other bucket.

With there being a 50% chance of selecting the bucket with one ball. Then there is a 100% chance of selecting a black ball.


Question 3:

An interviewer presents you 3 envelopes.?

1 contains a job offer, the other 2 contain rejection letters. After you select 1 envelope, the interviewer shows you the contents of 1 of the other envelopes. -Which is a rejection letter.?

You are then given the option to stick with your original envelope or swap with the other envelope. Without knowing what your original envelope contains, should you switch?



To answer this question effectively, candidates should say yes.

?This is because your original choice (envelope A) had a 1/3 chance of containing the offer letter. Leaving a 2/3 chance that the offer letter was either in envelope B or C.

By sticking with envelope A, your chance still remains 1/3.



