#No Brainer

#No Brainer

Why you should state your price at the start of your offer

What…I hear you say

Traditionally most people keep their price to the end

They put so much effort into the pitch

That the price kinda loses its impact

Whereas if you say the price at the start

After describing parts your core offer

You get past the no immediately.

Because most people will say no

Humans’ default position is no

Saying yes throws up change and most of your audience don’t like change!

Also for the people that say yes you get them signed up immediately

For the majority of people that still say no

You then use price anchors of what value is to the market

And you make it a ridiculous offer

And to seal the deal add a number of FREE Bonuses

Such that the perceived value of the bonuses are worth more than the core offer

Your audience are then sold on the tremendous value they are getting for FREE

The doubters begin to think “….I get all this other stuff for FREE”

(I throw in 3 software packages for FREE that would normally retail for over $150/month)

I will be talking about how you can stack your offer with so much perceived value so it becomes a “no brainer” in my offer workshop

Drop #nobrainer if you want in


