No Brainer. Or Is It?
Daniel Munday
Former fitpro for over 23 years, and business owner for over 18 years. Now ready for the next chapter
What's your thoughts on how much food you have to lose when you are looking to shed a few kgs?
Do you think you have to eat less?
The no-brainer answer for most people is of course.
And that can be true.
It can also be the opposite.
Especially if you're lifestyle is out of control with a job that doesn't seem to stop and kids that won't give you 5 minutes to yourself either.
Sound familiar?
If it does sound like something you can relate too,
the exact opposite can be true.
You may need to eat more.
Sure, it goes against the train of thought for most people.
But think about it.
If you don't eat much throughout the day and get by on coffee to suppress your appetite.
then you might have your answer right there for why you are struggling to lose the kgs.
Now, you don't have to fall into the 'you have to eat 6 small meals a day crowd to boost your metabolism' crowd.
I used to believe that too.
Until I started to get into intermittent fasting.
But that's a story for another day.
The main point here is to have a look at what your day looks like food wise.
And if things aren't working for you now,
to have a look and see how much you are in fact eating.
And what you are eating.
Cause if you're just grabbing whatever here and there,
even if it's not a lot of food, it might need a rethink.
Obviously the type of food matters.
Don't eat something just because it's low calorie food
This will go against the grain of the people who religiously track their macros and every single thing they eat - but even though that works,
it just seems like too much of a punish for me, and probably you with your busy life right?
Just check out what one of the mums who has completed the DPM 4 Week Busy Mums Transformation had to say if you needed any more proof:
“I’ve ate more on this diet than what I’d eat in a normal day. It’s not low calorie food, it’s just wholesome, good food”
So this mum actually found herself eating more food.
BUT the big difference was the type of food she was eating.
And as a result the kgs started to finally shift.
Does that sound like something you can implement?
PS - If this type of stuff has helped you, I'd love if you can please help me out with a google review?
just click on this link and it'll ask you to sign into your google account and you can easily leave a quick line or two about what I've been able to help you with
(thanks in advance)
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