Brain waves and its significance
Vijay Singh
Empowering High-Achievers to Break Through Barriers and Realize Their Full Potential | Purpose Coach Dedicated to Turning Your Challenges into Triumphs | Partnering with You to Transform Ambitions into Achievements
Brainwave was initially found by Hans Berger, a nerve scientist from Germany. Hans is the founder of the Brain Wave meter called EEG (Electroencephalography). This device was officially introduced to the public in 1924. The work procedure of EEG is to measure the waves coming out repetitively between two electrodes mounted on one’s head. Through time, EEG was also used to diagnosing brain diseases, such as epilepsy, tumor, and other brain damages.
Types of Brain Waves
Through EEG devices we will know that the waves produced by the brain differ. Based on research that lasted for years in many countries, human brain frequencies differ for each phase of conscious state, relaxed state, light sleep, or sound sleep, trance(unconscious and hypnotized), panic state, and so on. And, after a long research, the brain (nerve) experts agree that brain waves have something to do with mental condition.
Generally speaking, Brain waves are grouped into few types, namely Gamma, Beta, Alfa, Theta, and Delta.
1. Gamma (frequency of 30-100Hz): The brain waves at this frequency rise when our brain is in top condition. Usually through the events when through the motivation, the spirit or energy of the participation is ignited. Strained or panic situations may also create gamma waves.
Gamma waves are split into two kinds of waves with larger frequencies. The two waves are as follows –
a. Hyper-Gamma waves – with frequencies more than 100 Hz.
b. Lambda waves – with frequencies more than 200 Hz.
Hyper Gamma and Lambda waves rise when the body is in a very alert position with the level of information and the sight is sharp.
2. Beta (frequencies of 12-30Hz): These waves happen when we are doing activities that need high concentration, for instance, when in the workplace or while communicating with others. Beta waves may be split into 3 types, namely beta waves (frequency above 19 hertz), Beta waves (15-18hertz), and Low beta waves (12-15 hertz). Brain waves of these frequencies normally dominate adults or aged 15 years up, because several kinds of simultaneous activities need strong thinking power.
3. Alpha (frequencies 8-12 Hz): These waves are produced by lobus occipital and thalamus parts of the brain. That’s why the rising of alpha waves is marked with sleepy eyes. This wave also happens when the body experiences relaxation or at rest. Our body will surely produce alpha waves each time we go to bed, i.e., during the shifting period from conscious and unconscious.
4. Theta (frequencies of 4-7Hz): Brain waves of these frequencies arise when we are sleepy (almost falling sleepy).
5. Delta (frequencies of upto 4Hz): Delta waves arise from the brain’s thalamus and reticular formation parts. By the time delta waves rise, the body and mind are in relaxed condition, such as sleeping soundly without dreaming. Delta wave has characteristics of refining tissue damages, self-recovery, and new cell reproduction. A wave with a frequency below 0-5 hertz was found. The wave is called the Epsilon wave. It’s said that this wave is produced when the heart-beat and breathing are very slow, Even unmeasurable.
Different part of the brain produces different types of waves, below is the detailed summary of the same:
· Gamma wave is produced by the brain’s cortex visual part.
· Beta wave is produced by the brain’s motor cortex or cerebral cortex part existing in the large brain.
· Alpha wave is produced by the brain’s lobus occipital and thalamus.
· Theta wave is produced by the brain’s hippocampus part.
· Delta wave is produced by the brain’s thalamus and reticular formation part.
Besides being the wave transmitter, the brain also functions to receive waves. Wave receipt by the brain is called resonance. Resonance is the event of joint vibrating of any object due to the influence of another which is vibrating nearby. So the brain also receives and resonates with outside vibration if the wave coming in from outside is of the same frequency as the dominant brain wave type.
This is the base principle of different kinds of methods in activating the human brain, including our midbrain thinking activation methods. This is called Brain wave entrainment, which can be used to improve thinking capability, remembering things, quick understanding, meditation, Many therapies, etc.