Brain vs. Computing --Which wins?
In the age of data intelligence or artificial intelligence is it fair to say that the computer wins each time? Of course not, afterall who develops and programs the computer? Humans do. The great debate is on, will artificial intelligence win out and cause the loss of jobs? The answer is yes...and no.
Humans will always be necessary in some aspect but as we evolve over the centuries and look back, yes, things have changed, but we are still here. The same will be true for future generations. The Fourth Industrial revolution which we are currently in will be in many ways like the first three revolutions. surrounded by disruption, confusion, chaos and ultimately acceptance. We will adapt, we will change, and that is good for without change, how can we ever improve? Embrace the changes, don't fear them.
Scott McCabe is a successful change agent who helps organizations deal with change by implementing technology solutions to help the organization grow and prosper.
You cannot fight it, so you might as well EMBRACE THE CHANGE!