Brain Training for Gaining
Zelna Lauwrens
The Secret Parent | Developmental Brain Capital Consultant | Play Based Coach | Global Family Wellbeing Advocate | MSc Clinical Child Psychology | Author | Speaker | Educator | Psychiatry Researcher | Retreats Host
Our beliefs, values and opinions previously rooted in generations of cultural history, are being rewritten at a rapid rate by what we are currently experiencing around us. In just a few decades, we have had to adapt to new ways of living that are very different to how our parents lived and our kids will have to adapt in future to new ways of living that didn’t apply to us. The whirlwind of change is upon us and life is steadily being evolved by huge technological, cultural and political advancements.
Although we can say that technology has pushed us away from our original human nature to be a cohesive social unit, on the other hand, it is also forcing us to explore more of ourselves. Over the decades, the steady flow of innovation has hidden the fact that physically and emotionally we haven’t adapted to these changes. Our human brain is wired in such a way that although it has evolved over the ages, it is not equipped to manage the stress of our hugely demanding & stressful lifestyles. More now than ever before, we need to be preparing our children internally to cope with the stresses and strains of our modern lifestyles. These skills are priceless for living a life filled with happiness, motivation and inspiration.
In this tumult of change, it is also not surprising that many parents have lost sight of age-old truths about child rearing. This cocktail of toxic influences is interfering with the natural course of parenting and it has made raising children in the 21st century more difficult than ever before. With less quality family time for the basics such as eating meals together, there seem to be increased problems. Alongside this, we are seeing more and more single-parent families, soaring divorce rates, working parents and less stable home environments due to various circumstances.
Tackling the effects of our environment on our children is not just a parental responsibility, but it is a social project that involves many key players. This is why when I founded my organisation, The Kid Life Studio? I was intent on addressing the issues influencing children and their families. Through our online training at The Kids Life Coach Academy, my team and I have mentored Kids Life Coaches (to date in 30 countries) who are intent on providing solutions to “world-proof” our children. It all starts with each of us as "secret parents" having the awareness and taking accountability for being part of the solution for the stresses and strains of daily living that families are facing.
At The Kids Life Studio? our global network of certified Kids Life Studio? Coaches believe in nurturing healthy minds, which form a sound foundation for making healthy choices. The key here is prevention, because naturally prevention is better than cure. So our ultimate aim is to catch the child and the family between the ages of 5 and 12, because that is when the brain is more pliable and adaptable to change. Our belief is that it is never too late to instil meaningful change in any human being!
No child is ever “too far gone” or “unable to be helped” or a “lost cause”. Whilst brain training may be a tricky concept to instil, it is by far the most effective way to reprogram a child’s faulty belief systems so that they can live a reassured life that they have the skills to cope.
Want to find out more about our online training for professionals? Click here
Want to find a Kids Life Coach for your child? Click here
I wish you well as you support the children in your care with their "brain training". This means giving them a good foundation of these 3 pillars that is from the "Secret Parent" model that is part of the charitable foundation that my husband and I co-founded:
- Brain Behaviour
- Brain Building
- Brain Balancing
Through consistent daily actions you can train a child to make good choices so that they can become the leaders of their own life! I wish you well as you make a positive impact on children and you join me in my mission as an inspired contributor to children globally.
Regards with Zeal,
Zelna Lauwrens Inspired Contributor to Children Globally