The Brain the Systems of the world forgot

The Brain the Systems of the world forgot

Have you ever wondered why Aboriginal people are not thriving as a people in Australia??Or why no colonised people throughout the world are doing as well as the colonisers??Have you ever considered that maybe we are two different societies who have two completely different ways of thinking, learning and living our lives?

?I am an Aboriginal women with fair skin.?My mum was Aboriginal/Irish, and my dad was English/Scottish.

This post is about the journey I have been on over the last seven years.?A meditative and strange hunt for a Spirit (Subconscious Bias Profile) Memory that was for a very long time unknown to me.?A Spirit Memory that is the precious knowledge and memories from thousands of my Ancestors who lived to create my subconscious view so my family and I could survive.?It is my inner world view, my medicine, my bias, my protection and my joy.

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We sent hundreds of Aboriginal and Colonial Heritage people on picnics, meetings and observed them in their homes and social settings to identify behaviour difference.

?I look at how not knowing my Spirit Memory has caused me to be unwell and lost for much of my life.?Knowing it now has revealed who I am from the inside out, and how this identity has connected me to my past and given me the deep insight to see where my Aboriginality exists.

“Emotions allow us to perceive good and ill in a world filled with both. They may seem to come unbidden, but they are, in fact, of our own creation, and they possess both the wisdom and vicissitudes of our oldest and most fundamental brain structures,” write Proffitt and Baer.

To shift the thinking from I to all, we use animals and plants instead of humans (it is in the earth's best interest to cease thinking human centric first ) to describe Subconscious Bias and the behaviours we all see and judge others upon.

Aboriginal people for tens of thousands of years have looked to the local native animals and living landscapes to be the visual cues and modelers of the right way to live.

If you observe animals in nature you start to see how they have behaviour patterns they follow subconsciously. Take the Kookaburra, who regardless if the piece of food he has found is dead or not will bash the food against the branch anyway to make sure it is dead. This is because that is his subconscious Brain telling him what to and it has been reinforced by his parents and families modeling. Humans are no different, we observe our carers and peers to reinforce from them what is right – confirm (not create) that are our perspectives and cognitive processes to undertake or judge all things on is correct.

A Subconscious Bias Profile or Spirit Memory is actually what makes you - you.?It is your Ideology that contains all the necessary principles, norms, how to view the world that tells you automatically how you work, engage, align and connect with co-workers.??

A Spirit Memory is something everyone is born with and in turn is the framework that creates your personality.

Like all living things we enter into this world with a genetic code that we have inherited from Ancestors who lived over thousands of years on this planet before us.

Aboriginal people have always believed that every living thing is born with a Spirit Memory

Do you know yours?

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The elephant in the room for colonised peoples is that all the systems we now have to thrive within across the world have been designed, developed, tested and created for one subconscious bias (26 Countries of the world or just 15% of the worlds population). That is the education, legal, business, health, psychological systems are bias against the ideology or thinking of the other 85% of the world.

In our seven year journey we found that every 97% of people we observed, interviewed or researched could align themselves positively with one of two groups behaviours.

Either 1) Collective First Subconscious Bias members we called Bat Kinship (Most Aboriginal & Indigenous peoples & those from oral societies such as Africa, Asia, pacific and most of South America) think entire group first and then themselves as part of their relationship and responsibilities within their In-group. (Are my group happy, healthy, and well so I can be happy, healthy, and well?) (Are my group being looked after, so I can feel confident to have fulfilled my responsibility to my In-group?)

2) Individual First Subconscious Bias members We called Hawk Kinship (Anglo Saxon, Nordic, American, South African, many other European countries ) think Individual first and then their relationship and responsibilities to their group. (Am I happy, healthy, and well, so I can make sure my group is happy, healthy, and well?) (Am I being looked after, so I can feel confident to have fulfilled my responsibility to my In-group?)

Both loving groups believing happily that their own standards for living is right (as they should) – most not recognising their unique subconscious inheritance from thousands of years of ancestors and certainly most not realising that there is another Subconscious Bias when engaging. An Equally strong polar opposite Ideology of values and standards that drives the other persons Culturally Bias Subconscious view of the world, just as yours does.

We found in our project that it is how we honour our Ancestors to live by our subconscious standards and rules of how to live right regardless if you are bat or a hawk. The issue when you are a colonised Aboriginal person is that we have to try and adapt and change our conscious thinking relating to everything we think, feel and act to fit in to the Australian way. It is making us very unwell in every way.

A person's Bat or Hawk Subconscious ideology teaches and promotes desirable behaviours and punishes unacceptable ones. It also can only be modelled and maintained by people who are from your own society (either Collective or Individual). The greatest modellers are your family. Children are taught what is ugly or beautiful, good or bad, right or wrong and so on.?As an example, Australian children of Anglo Saxon, Celtic origin are not taught that there is another ideology for what is ugly or beautiful and the same can be said for Aboriginal children. Yet we found in our study the standards of both are completely different and unknown to each other.

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Contact Nola on 0413281980 if you would like the CultuRecode team undertake workplace relationship training with your staff or present a workshop or facilitate how to overcome Subconscious Bias systems and workplaces using their SaBIAH Model for internal change.

[email protected]


