Brain Hijacking
The first thing I do every morning is a sitting meditation.
I need my phone for the timer, so I pick it up.
The only notification I have on the screen are text messages. Every other one is blocked.
Most mornings, I swipe them away and don’t even think about them.
This morning, however, I saw the first 5 words of one of them.
I didn’t go further into the text and sat, beginning my meditation.
What was interesting is that I was watching my mind and I could actually see (I know, it sounds weird), how much of my brain activity was devoted to thinking about how I was going to respond to that one text.
Effectively, it had hijacked a portion of my brain.
The good news for me was that I was (for the most part), aware of how much my brain had been hijacked.
The bad news was that it reminded me of how easy (and often) it’s possible to have my brain hijacked my a phone notification.
Meditation is the practice of focused attention without judgment.
When we let an external factor, such as a phone notification
Originally posted on my blog: