??? Brain Hacks to Take Advantage of Daylight Savings
Photo by Icons8 Team on Unsplash

??? Brain Hacks to Take Advantage of Daylight Savings

It’s that funny time of year again…

Daylight Savings Time?ended here in the U.S.!

We do get an extra hour of sleep. But it also means the sun starts setting much earlier, we have to say goodbye to our after-work sunset walks, and it can also seriously mess with our internal clock.

Daylight saving time was put into place in the United States to help conserve fuel during World War I. By moving the clocks forward in the spring, people could enjoy?an extra hour of daylight?without having to switch on the lights after work.

THE PROBLEM:?the sun dictates your circadian rhythms — your body’s natural 24-hour clock. Messing with your sunlight exposure throws your systems out of whack. Sunlight plays a major role in your body. It triggers vitamin D production and makes you synthesize serotonin, the neurotransmitter linked to mood and well-being.

Our brains ???LOVE serotonin!

With a few hacks, you can help your body make a smooth transition to DST without wrecking your internal clock.

??? Here are some of my fav brain hacks to take advantage of?daylight?savings:

1. Go to bed and get up at the same?time. The closer you stick to your normal routine, the faster your body will adjust to the?time?change.

2. Establish a sleep-promoting evening routine.?Cutting off alcohol intake 3–4 hours before bed, stopping caffeine consumption 6 hours before bed, avoiding heavy meals 4 hours before bed, eliminating exposure to blue light in the last 60 minutes of your day, or clearing your mind with a relaxing activity are all great places to start.

3. Be patient with yourself!?It can take your body 5-7 days to adjust, so if you feel more sluggish than usual, give yourself some grace.

4. Get more light!?Go outside and get exposure to morning?sunlight?on the day after the?time?change to help regulate your internal clock. If the sun isn’t available to you, get yourself a high-quality?vitamin D supplement?to take daily. The Vitamin D Council recommends that healthy adults take 2,000 IU of vitamin D daily.

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???Good sleep can increase women’s work ambitions

If women want to lean into work, they may first want to lie down for a good night’s rest. A Washington State University-led study indicated that sleep quality impacted women’s mood and changed how they felt about advancing in their careers. Meanwhile, men’s aspirations were not impacted by sleep quality.The researchers discovered this finding in a two-week-long survey study of 135 workers in the U.S. Each day the participants first noted how well they had slept and the quality of their current mood, and then later in the day how they felt about striving for more status and responsibility at work.

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What is the CEO Wellness Club ??CEO Wellness Club helps professionals and leaders of impact optimize their brain's health and sleep quality through technology, accountability, and behavioral change.

Our company also works with organizations through in-house training to help their team's effectiveness by implementing practical strategies designed to enhance mental agility and resilience, improve focus, reduce waste and distractions, and unlock innovation.

You can expect a new brain health, longevity, and sleep-focused newsletter?every other week!


  1. Brain Optimization
  2. Mental Health
  3. Sleep Optimization
  4. Biohacks for Longevity

If you want more personalized information tailored to exactly what you’re struggling with regarding your brain's health and sleep, you can book a 25-minute?Brain Optimization & Sleep Optimization Assessment?call and get personalized feedback.

Hope you enjoyed this short, but straight-to-the-point edition!

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If you want to receive the complete version of this newsletter straight to your inbox (more juicy brain and sleep hacks, studies, notes, actionable points, and the latest news),?get the next ACTION PACKED newsletter by signing up here.

*Bonus, you’ll receive a downloadable PDF called "10 Strategies to Start Healing & Optimizing your Brain ??" at no cost.

Consider sharing the link to sign-up for the newsletter with a burnt-out, brain-foggy, tired friend!

That's all from me... More next week!

- Candy

About the CEO Wellness Club Newsletter:

The CEO Wellness Club newsletter is a bi-weekly newsletter with the mission to create awareness and spark conversation around well-being for busy professionals and high-performers at the intersection of wellness, culture, and inclusion. With a hard focus on brain & sleep optimization, mental health, biohacking for longevity + wellness insights focused on our lives as busy professionals. Sign up for Candy Calderon's free newsletter through her?website. The newsletter is curated by Candy Calderón ?? ,?the voice of a new generation. A trailblazer in the Health & Wellness space, especially for Latinas and Women of Color. Brain Health Proffessional & Wellness Expert who is a keynote speaker, consultant, educator, and diversity in wellness advocate. Candy is the founder of CEO Wellness Club , a company that offers brain & sleep optimization programs for founders, executives, and leaders of impact through behavioral and lifestyle changes, wellness strategies, technology, and accountability, helping them re-wire their brains and sleep better in order to maximize their potential, performance, life balance, cognitive fitness, and longevity. Candy also works with organizations through in-house trainings to improve their teams' effectiveness by implementing practical strategies designed to enhance mental agility and resilience, improve focus, reduce waste and distractions, and unlock innovation.

If you are seeking guidance and consultation around workforce well-being, brain health, mental health, and sleep optimization programs in your workplace, visit the?website?to learn more about services that can be tailored to your specific needs, or book a?FREE 15-minute consultation call?to learn more about how your organization or institution can benefit from Candy Calderón's expertise.

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