Brain Hacking for Effectiveness.

Brain Hacking for Effectiveness.

The human brain is fundamentally not objective. It is subjective. This means that our experiences are a function of how our brains, through our senses, process reality.

We do not experience reality in its raw form. Our brains process reality for us the way they have adapted to process reality.

It is for this reason that three people may attend the same seminar and get impacted differently by it. Each of their brains processes the experience differently.

This realization has two implications:

1. We get to see that the experiences we have had in the past and deemed to be bad or threatening, might not have been strictly so.

The interpretation may have been mostly subjective. It was the result of how our brains processed it. The past experience might not have been as bad or as threatening.

Maybe we can go back mentally and reappraise those past experiences in a way that empowers us. Or, at least, not in a way that harms us.

2. We also get to see that we can be deliberate about how we perceive future events.

Perhaps we can train our brains to perceive experiences in a way that empowers us.

This means that we can hack into our brains and improve the quality of our experiences. We can reframe and give past experiences more useful labels and meanings. We can choose to perceive future events in a way that serves us.

Nothing is as empowering as knowing that we can hack into our brains for more effectiveness.

It is one of those profound findings that we attribute to science. However, this is not something modern. It is very ancient knowledge.

The bible and other ancient texts have for ages advised those who do not have, to act as if they have, and those who have, to act as if they do not.

This is an example of brain hacking to nudge one group out of misery and the other group into humility.

People have always known that they can train their senses and their brains to experience events in a way that empowers them.

If you close your eyes and imagined the best experience of your choice vividly, you'd experience it neurologically.

Your body would not tell the difference between the actual experience and this imagined experience and neither will your brain.

We can use this brain hacking ability to imagine the most powerful and successful versions of ourselves for effectiveness.

If we act as if we are these things, we will start believing that we are. If we consistently do this, we will become more effective.


Leonard Muchiri, MBA的更多文章

