Brain Drain
Sidra Ahmad
SEO Content Writer & AI Content Expert | Social Media Content Writer | Food Blog Enthusiast | Creating Engaging Blogs, Articles, Optimized Web Copy, and Guest Posts That Rank
This morning, I heard about the brain drain in the news. This is really concerning. As employment opportunities are declining and economic and political instability are rising, the situation has become worse. According to a study, over 750,000 Pakistani youth left their country in 2022 in pursuit of a better standard of living. Since 2021, when it was just about 265,000, the amount has increased by three times.
Brain drain: What is it?
It is the movement of educated and skilled individuals outside of a certain nation. It typically happens when there aren’t many opportunities in a specific location. It poses a serious danger to Pakistan’s economy. Human capital is a crucial component of a nation’s assets. A smart nation constantly takes care of them and makes use of their abilities and expertise for growth and development.
Despite the fact that it helps with remittances.
The improvement in the current account deficit is due to the influx of foreign cash. Raising families’ standards of living helps to eliminate poverty. However, it represents a tremendous loss of human capital.
causes of brain drain and its effects on Pakistan’s economy
A variety of push and pull forces are increasing the threat.
Lack of work possibilities results in unemployment, which in turn causes low income for people. Due to their struggles to provide for their families' fundamental needs, people in this circumstance are generally unwilling to invest in education. Most professions lack employment possibilities, but engineering is the key industry, in the opinion of experts, that has slowed the nation’s progress. Almost no employment is available in this field. This is the cause of the significant emigration of engineers. Javed Saleem Qureshi, chairman of the Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC), stated. Engineers should have more options for advancement in addition to strong pay rates.
25,000 electricians, 3,000 instructors, 2,500 pharmacists, 500 nurses, and 13,000 agriculture-trained Pakistanis have all departed the nation in recent years to work abroad.
in line with the head of the Young Doctors Association Over 25,500 physicians also emigrated from Pakistan in search of better possibilities. To keep people from fleeing, the government should upgrade the healthcare industry.
Inflation is the term used to describe when the cost of products and services in a nation rises but earnings remain the same, reducing people’s ability to buy things. The cost of food and oil is rising across the nation. The hoarding of sugar and wheat has also made things worse. Numerous crops, including cotton, chilies, dates, tomatoes, and other vegetables, were damaged by floods this year. These were the main source of income for the impoverished farmers, and the country’s exports decreased.
Due to this, the cost of common vegetables used in daily cooking has also gone up. Onion harvests in Sindh have been reduced by up to 70%, causing a scarcity and forcing importation, which has raised costs.
The biggest factor causing poverty in our nation is the food inflation dilemma. In our nation, the poverty rate is really high. A person who is poor cannot afford the necessities of life. Another significant contributor to poverty, which directly raises population stress, is unemployment. Additionally, one of the main causes of poverty in Pakistan is huge households. The entire family is supported by a single breadwinner. Poverty may also be brought on by a lack of education in poor households. Investing in education aids in the fight against poverty.
Political unrest has significantly contributed to the country’s growing brain drain. People may be urged to relocate to a better nation in order to live in security if their home country lacks security and has illegal circumstances.
To summarise
This is a worrying scenario, and the government has to act appropriately to make the most use of the nation’s human capital endowment. The following actions should be taken for this.
? Support for technical education
? Rewarding workers with remuneration that reflects their skill level and competency.
· Political inheritance should be discouraged.
? Better employment opportunities must be offered while safety and security are guaranteed.
Since intellectual capital is the true engine of all national progress and prosperity, authorities should foster an environment that supports its retention in order to prevent the country from losing its geniuses, talent, intelligence, and creativity.