Brain Disease – Are you sure you’re not at risk?
Neuro Leadership Consulting
Certified Neuroscience Leadership Experts, using Neuroscience for enhanced Corporate Leadership and performance. Let’s elevate your performance, team dynamics, and exceed your established KPIs and objectives.
The Devastation of Neurodegenerative “Brain Diseases” In Our Society
I am truly, really fed up, sad and angry about losing amazing people, I know, to Neurodegenerative “brain diseases”. These are diseases such as Alzheimer's (the most common cause of dementia), Parkinson's and ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis). Neurodegenerative diseases are destroying our communities, our families, friends and co-workers. Our wider society is suffering, losing incredibly talented minds.
I can’t imagine the pain that people suffering from these diseases go through. Just for a minute, envisage living your life with the knowledge that you will gradually lose your thinking faculty, your memory, physical movement or in some cases, the combination of all these.
Many of us think that only the elderly are susceptible to these diseases. This is not true! Take, for instance, the very recent report that one of our beloved UK TV veterans, Alastair Stewart has been diagnosed with early onset vascular dementia at 71-years!? WHAT THE HECK!!!! He retired from regular broadcasting earlier this year after decades on air. That, I’ll say is a massive LOSS to the world at large! It is the overwhelming sadness of learning about Alastair’s diagnosis that made me want to discuss this with you all.
I for one do not think that 71 years is ‘old’ or ‘elderly’, especially considering the advances we’ve made in medicine, cognition sciences and technology today. My question therefore is, are we fully utilising these said advances? Why are people in our society succumbing to these relentless, malevolent, and persistent diseases?
In the meantime, would it be possible for each of us to strive a little bit more in taking advantage of the scientific advancements we've made? Talk about this with your family, friends, and colleagues. The advances are created by us and for us.? So why don't we pay more attention and use them more than we currently do? What’s the point of all the research, studies and development if we do not utilise the advances made?
So let's get going. Let’s start the dialogue and "doing" our part now. Let's engage in conversation
Science supports the idea that if you do not act now, you might develop these "old" diseases in the future. Additionally, science supports the idea that improving your self-care
Fortunately, there are evidence-based ways to militate against Neurodegenerative "brain diseases". Most of these are completely free – YOU DO NOT PAY A PENNY FOR THEM. Take for example the abbreviation for brain-health, SEEDS. Merely focusing on these will go a long way toward setting you up for improved general well-being and brain health. SEEDS means:
Sleep soundly
Exercise frequently (any movement is acceptable).
Education (learn something new
Diet (reduce sugar intake and consume more plant-based foods)
Stress (always avoid stress)
We extend our heartfelt thoughts and sincere prayers to Alastair Stewart family and his loved ones
As a Master Cognitive Science Coach, I use advances in cognitive sciences and evidence-based techniques, to help my clients develop effective lifestyle modifications