Brain Cancer - A hypothesis in its origin & treatment - v2.0 (Jan 2023)
When looking at a disease state in a holistic fashion
In the case of brain cancer, there are many common threads that can been identified, when looking at cases in a holistic manner. When reviewing the whole body, and the probable impairments in biochemical processes, a picture begins to emerge on how the cancer diagnosis may have come about. Identifying these causes and imbalances, aids in identifying where change needs to occur, hypothetically providing an environment for the body to heal and function optimally. The following imbalances are commonly identified in Brain Cancer patients leading up to their diagnosis.
1. Stress, and lots of it. Whether it be working long hours, (40+), big responsibilities at work or family, or both, and never actively switching off from these stresses, can result in a constantly chatty mind, leading to a chronic state of switched on “fight or flight mode” (sympathetic nervous system). High amounts of stress
Over time, even the healthiest diet can result in malnutrition, as food is not properly digested, and nutrients not absorbed. A little bit of stress is fine, some would say, even good, but being able to SWITCH OFF is the key, especially at night.
2. Poor Sleep. When stress levels are high, the body is not creating optimal levels of hormones such as serotonin. This can lead to states of anxiety and depression, but it also affects the body’s ability to create melatonin, the hormone needed for deep restorative sleep
Deep restorative sleep is required for the body to maintain a healthful state. It is the time for the body to address cellular damage, remove hormonal metabolites and any other toxins that have found their way into the body. These processes are often at their peak during the early hours of the morning, between 2am and 4am, and any disruption during this time, such as getting up to urinate, can result in a state of incompletion of these processes. When this occurs, the person will often feel heavy headed, nauseous or have problems getting out of bed, due to feeling sluggish.
3. High Heavy Metal load, especially Aluminium, Mercury or Lead. This can occur through exposure in the environment, high consumption of processed foods, deodorants, antacids, some vaccinations, dental amalgams, poor air quality or unfiltered drinking water. These are some of the most common sources, however, there are many more, as they are quite abundant in our modern world.
These three heavy metals have a strong affinity for the fatty brain tissue, and patients with high grade brain tumours are often of a lean physique. All toxins and heavy metals are stored in fat cells when they are unable to be effectively eliminated through the liver. This stops the toxins from causing cellular damage in other parts of the body and keeps them away from critical organs. However, when the body is lean and therefore low on fat cells, and there is an excess of toxins and heavy metals, the body will seek out other sources of fat, and this can often mean the brain.
Certain heavy metals can push nutrients to a state of depletion, as the body tries to bind and eliminate the toxic metal from the body. For example, iodine binds to mercury to remove it, sometimes to a point of total depletion, leaving the thyroid vulnerable due to not having enough iodine to synthesize thyroid hormones.
Silica is another nutrient commonly low, as it can bind to metals such as Lead and Aluminium, leaving a deficiency in connective tissue repair. Aluminium and mercury have the unique ability to block nutrients from entering cells, and Zinc is a common nutrient left high and dry. Zinc is abundant in our food chain, but so is aluminium. It enters our body from tinned food products, cooking foil, antacids, medications, standard commercial deodorants, tap water, skin, and beauty products and even the soil our food is grown in. Almost everyone has aluminium toxicity to some degree, but it is the degree of toxicity, and if the body is keeping up with the elimination process that is the main concern. When disease hits, the body has usually run out of resources, or is too overwhelmed to manage both the rogue cancer cells and the excess metals and toxins.
Lead interferes with the brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and with GABA. BNDF facilitates the growth of new neurons, while GABA signals astrocytes to decrease inflammation in the brain, as well as supporting the glymphatic system (brain detoxification system).
4. Excessive Alcohol, Coffee and/or medication consumption. The liver is our main filtering organ and has a huge workload. Alcohol, coffee, paracetamol, ibuprofen, and all pharmaceutical medications are processed in the liver at the highest priority, as the body will recognise these as a poison / toxin. Interestingly, these are all substances that are ingrained in westernised cultures. It’s common to have a beer or glass of wine after a heavy day at work and it is often used in celebrations or associated with having fun or catching up in social circles. It is not uncommon to hear of people taking over the counter painkillers daily, believing they are safe to use, due to them not needing a prescription. However, they are pharmaceutical drugs, and as the body processes these in the liver, they deplete many nutrients such as calcium, folic acid, iron, potassium, zinc, glutathione, vitamin A and vitamin C. They also inhibit progesterone production, stopping ovulation in women, or causing irregularities in menstrual cycles when taken to excess.??
5. Low Vitamin D Status. Vitamin D plays a big role in the immune system as well as in bone and hormonal health. Almost everyone with any kind of disease or diagnosis will have low vitamin D status. By low, I mean blood levels of D3 below 60 nmol/L. Healthy levels should hover around 120nmol/L or more, and many western countries, including Australia, have an epidemic of low vitamin D levels.? This is quite interesting in a country with an abundance of sunshine!
It is not fully understood why this important nutrient is so low in the general population, however, it’s worth understanding that it is synthesized in the liver, using LDL cholesterol, which is sitting under the skin, waiting to absorb the sun’s rays to convert it to the pre-vitamin D3. It is then taken to the liver for conversion into calcifediol (activated state), and then sent to the kidneys for distribution. Could it be our constant covering up and avoidance of the harsh destructive sun, the overburdening of the liver, or the high use of cholesterol lowering medication, that is responsible for this population deficiency? Or perhaps it is a combination of several of these factors.
6. Low B vitamin Status. The vitamins B6, B9 (folate) and B12 are nutrients that are heavily utilised by the liver, and one could assume that exhausted and overwhelmed livers are the underlying cause of many deficiencies. B12 is abundant in our food supply, mainly from animal-based products including meat, eggs and dairy products, and yet healthy B12 levels over 500pmol/mL are not always common. People who follow a vegan diet, understandably, need to supplement with B12, as there are few plant-based sources available.
B12, B9 and B6, are necessary for the detoxification process in the liver, called methylation. A low status in these nutrients, can mean metals and toxins cannot be removed effectively, and some other metabolic waste products such as homocysteine and oestrogen can also build up, causing potential issues with heart health, obesity and hormonal based cancers.
There are also genetic situations where folate and B12 are not absorbed very well, or there are issues converting these nutrients into an active and useable form. This gene mutation is called MTHFR and is very commonly seen in patients with any kind of cancer.
7. Low Lymphocyte Numbers. Lymphocytes are a specific type of white blood cell that consist of B Cells (antibody defence) and T Cells (macrophages and natural killer cells) and protect the body against viruses and cancer. Lymphocytes will migrate to areas of inflammation in the early and late stages of healing, and depleted levels can leave the body in a state of vulnerability towards viruses and the spread of cancer cells.
While nutrient deficiencies
8. Excessive Electromagnetic Field (EMF) exposure. This could be in the form of excessive mobile phone use, carrying a mobile phone directly on the body, as in a pocket, or holding the phone directly to the head regularly for long periods of time. Other forms of EMF exposure include electronic devices charging up near the body at night when sleeping, televisions and clock radios, tablets, computers, and excessive air travel.
Excessive heavy metal status can make a body highly sensitive to EMFs and may explain why one person can get cancer and the next person does not, even if they have the same amount of phone usage or EMF exposure. Cells do not act or perform appropriately, and the body struggles to maintain adequate cell destruction of rogue or incorrectly formed cells when the cells are vibrating or disrupted in response to the EMF exposure.?
?From “Identification” of imbalance comes potential “Resolution”
When there has been a diagnosis of Brain Cancer, the above eight points need to be addressed as a matter of urgency, to stop the imbalance from exacerbating even further. Secondly, a wholefood, nutrient rich, anti-inflammatory diet is also very important, ensuring all foods consumed address nutrient deficiencies and supportive of liver health
Next, and equally as important is SLEEP! Achieving a good night’s sleep is one of the most critical things you can do to improve your brain’s and your body’s ability to detoxify.
At night when we sleep, the glymphatic system kicks in, clearing toxins from the brain. It is 10x more active during sleep than during the day, shrinking cells by up to 60%, allowing for greater efficiency of waste removal. The pineal gland produces melatonin and needs a completely dark room as well as adequate serotonin to convert into melatonin. Blue lights from electronic devices, impairs melatonin production. A stressed person creates little serotonin, as nutrients are used to create stress hormones, cortisol and adrenaline, instead. This in turn impairs the production of melatonin, meaning a deep restful sleep is not achieved. Finding ways to relax and de-stress are therefore very important, especially at night before sleep, as well as moving any electronic devices far away from the bed.
Another good way of helping the brain to detoxify is to use gravity to help the clearing process. Inclining the bed by 5%, can make a big difference in improving circulation of blood and lymphatics to the brain, as well as help to straighten the spine, strengthen muscles, fascia, ligaments and tendons. Sleeping at an incline can also aid in opening the airways, reducing snoring and improving oxygen flow to the brain. The incline needs to happen to the whole bed, not just with extra pillows. Simply raise the head of the bed with some blocks of wood or bricks, raising it up to as much as 10cm or whatever you feel most comfortable with.
Melatonin is a natural hormone made by converting serotonin into melatonin, and research has shown promising results in brain cancer patients taking Liposomal Melatonin (up to 10mg) as a supplement. The reason this can be of benefit is promotion of deep restorative sleep. Remembering that stress stops the production of serotonin (too busy making cortisol and adrenaline), which in turn stops the production of melatonin, which in turn impairs deep restorative sleep, which in turn inhibits the glymphatic system from cleaning up toxins during sleep, which is further disrupted by electromagnetic exposure during sleep.
Other dietary hacks include drinking Silica rich water such as Fiji water, which can aid in increasing the urinary excretion of aluminium due to its richness in mineral absorbed through volcanic rocks. Chlorella and Spirulina, found in most green leafy vegetables or green powders can be used in smoothies, which will aid in the binding and removal of lead, aluminium, and many other toxins. Magnesium binds to almost all heavy metals and toxins, and is used for countless processes within the body. Eating magnesium rich foods such as rolled oats, buckwheat, quinoa, bananas, avocados, leafy greens or green smoothies, nuts and seeds, legumes and dark chocolate, can aid in improving magnesium status, along with supplementation in a form that is highly bioavailable, such as magnesium citrate (not magnesium oxide which is found in most pharmacy and supermarket brands).
Avoid crops grown with Glyphosate weed killer (Round Up), including alfalfa, canola, corn, sorghum, soybeans, sugar beets and most importantly WHEAT! Also be aware, modern day cotton farming also uses glyphosate sprays. This antibiotic style chemical is absorbed by the plant and destroys the beneficial bacteria in our digestive systems, giving rise to a myriad of digestive issues and systemic inflammation. As the immune system is mostly created within the digestive system, and is dependent on a healthy gut microbiome, anything that will cause disruption to this, can weaken the immune system, which is the very mechanism that seeks out and destroys cancer cells and other foreign pathogens.
Consuming a Whole Food, Non-inflammatory, Nutrient Rich Diet is of great importance. Processed foods contain loads of artificial flavours, sweeteners, colourings, preservatives, added sugars and added sodium, and generally have very little actual nutrition that our bodies can use. Biochemical processes in the body need nutrients to function, and inflammation is almost always at the heart of most disease states. Processed foods cause the liver to work harder and can often cause inflammation in and around the digestive system.
There is some evidence around the benefits of ketogenic diets and brain cancer, however, as in most research programs, there is a lack of looking holistically at each individual person, and often comprise a range of participants on a very strict diet to measure outcomes of their cancer status. Strict diets however, can cause more stress on the individual, and impact on a quality of life which has already been compromised by a cancer diagnosis. High protein diets are very taxing on the kidneys, especially when the protein is mostly of animal origin, and could potentially create other health problems down the track. High animal protein diets can also be low in vegetables and dietary fibre, which impacts on the health of the digestive system, and therefore the strength of the immune system, which is not desirable. Animal based foods are also highly acid forming within the body, which favours many cancers, especially colon cancer. ?
A diet that is rich in plant-based proteins however, and low in simple carbohydrates such as white flour and white sugar, IS beneficial, and provides many essential nutrients along with fibre, that improve the health of the bowels and provide a food source for beneficial bacteria. Consuming foods high in Good Fats is also very important, as brain cells consist of high amounts of fat. Include foods such as avocado, raw nuts, coconut oil, olive oil and seed oils. Clean wild caught fish are another source of healthy fats and Omega 3 fatty acids, important for brain health and reducing inflammation. Smaller fish such as whiting, garfish, sardines and anchovies are generally cleaner sources, while larger fish such as tuna, marlin and flake, often contain mercury and other toxins, and are therefore best avoided. Clean plant-based options for Omega 3 include flaxseed and hemp oils, walnuts, and Brussel sprouts.
Green Tea is rich in L-Theanine, an amino acid which facilitates relaxation and calm without impairing cognition. Green tea does contain caffeine, but the amount is only minimal compared to even the weakest coffee and is therefore acceptable.
Ensure dental health is optimal, especially when there are old dental amalgams in place. If you have mercury / silver-based fillings, do not have them all removed at once, as the vapour from drilling them out will be reabsorbed into the body, adding to the heavy metal load. Aim to have one to two removed each year at most, unless they are cracked or in any way damaged.? Then they should be removed as soon as possible, as they are most likely leaching mercury and silver into the body every day. Suitable replacements for these fillings are the newer technologies of ceramic fillings, in which fillings are 3D printed and glued in, leaving a very aesthetic appearance which much less toxicity. They are however, much more expensive than the average dental filling.
Teeth grinding at night is another cause of high toxicity from mercury, when there are amalgam fillings, and increases the mercury load. Treating the cause of the teeth grinding is the most effective way to correct this daily intoxication. More often than not, Parasites are behind the involuntary behaviour, and are also burdening the immune system.
Supplementation to correct deficiencies is almost always necessary, but in brain cancer, it is also critical to address the brain clean up system, aid in metal removal, reduce inflammation and promote healing. The following supplements may therefore be prescribed, either as an oral dose and/or by means of IV Nutrient therapy. Nutritional therapy however, must always be tailored for the individual, using diagnostic data to ascertain exactly what is needed and how much, as no two individuals are alike. This is the biggest difference in modern medicine and complementary medicine, where all patients are often given the same prescription and treatment options.
·???????? Magnesium Citrate or Bisglycinate (address deficiencies and aid in toxin removal)
·???????? Liposomal GABA (decrease inflammation, calm and connect neurotransmitter that inhibits or slows down nerve impulses, supportive of rest and relaxation)
·???????? Liposomal Glutathione (body’s natural antioxidant system and a precursor to GABA, heavy metal binding and removal. Synthesis is often impaired or damaged due to high mercury levels)
·???????? Silica (if found to be deficient)
·???????? Iodine / Kelp (if found to be deficient)
·???????? Vitamin C (strong antioxidant, reduce inflammation, promote healing)
·???????? Liposomal Melatonin or herbal equivalents (aid in establishing deep restorative sleep and improve gymphatic detox system in the brain)
·???????? Lactoferrin (a protein that is an immune modulator that can support improvements in lymphocyte numbers, and can bind to iron to defend against bacteria and viruses)
·???????? High strength Turmeric (supports liver health, reduces inflammation, found to be supportive of brain health, some research suggests improved delivery of chemotherapy)
·???????? Boswellia (herbal anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial agent)
·???????? Zinc Citrate (if high aluminium or a deficiency is detected)
·???????? Probiotics along with Gut healing compounds (reduce digestive inflammation and improve nutrient absorption)
·???????? Green Smoothies made with Spirulina and/or Chlorella powders (to promote an alkaline digestive system, promote binding to and detoxifying heavy metals and allow digestive healing)
While this article has a specific interest in brain cancer, it is quite possible that other diseases of the brain such as Alzheimer’s, dementia, spectrum disorders and Parkinson’s, may also have similar characteristics and imbalances, promoting further investigation into the underlying causes of these brain diseases and disfunction.
Note: the treatments suggested in this document are designed to correct deficiencies and support natural biochemical processes that normally occur within the human body. These treatments do not replace medical intervention and are therefore not an alternative to modern medicine techniques but can most definitely work alongside the medical approach.
Sales Manager
1 年Insightful post. Viral origin of brain tumors is not addressed in your article ( growing scientific data corroborates relationship between high load of cytomegalovirus/epstein barr/herpes and the incidence of malignant brain tumors ).