The brain biology of good conversations
The Neuroscience Academy 2020

The brain biology of good conversations

The social brain, our fundamental human need for belonging and warm conversation are concepts we discuss in-depth in the final weeks of the Neuroscience Academy.

Because belonging isn't just a social issue, it's a brain health issue.

I believe what makes the Neuroscience Academy experience so unique are the people who choose to join our program and who you'll get to have warm conversations with too

These diverse professionals all have at least two things in common: they're life-long learners + committed to helping others change, learn and thrive.

Scroll down to hear their stories >>>

Remember, the deadline for enrolment is this coming FRIDAY 13th March. I encourage you to JOIN US TODAY. And note due to the falling Australian dollar, the fee is looking rather favourable for US and European students! >>…/7U2m…/checkout

Here are the student stories >>>

Pam Mackintosh is a Sydney based leadership coach who clearly got great value from the program!!

Pam says, "You have laid this course out in such an amazing way! I have absolutely loved the format (video sections, notes, summaries, slide sets, schedule, etc). In my mind, it is well planned, thoughtful and robust. Can I just say, that after going through this course .... I feel like I have UNDERPAID for it. I told my husband that I feel like I should've paid more for it. So with that, can I just say, thank you for so generously sharing your knowledge with have been SO very generous. I am deeply thankful."


Derek O'Kelly is an Irish peak-performance and wellbeing coach.

Derek says he joined the Academy, " be part of an academic network and I never dreamed I would be part of. To be taught by someone who was an expert in their field. To get professional validation for a lot of 'concepts' and teachings I had learned over the years; but wasn't sure if they were true/valid. My expectations were exceeded. Probably one of the most impactful programmes I have ever participated on since my return to education (at age 30) twenty-nine years ago. Dr Sarah and The Neuroscience Academy, have played a large role in changing the course of my life."


Anthony Haywood is Dean at St Joseph's College in Brisbane.

Anthony said, "I want to thank you for the gentleness with which your nurture your students, and for the excitement you create for neuroscience and its opportunities. You connected me with articles and resources well beyond my vision at the beginning of the course. I am able to provide the teachers and students I work with credible research and activities to improve my own and their practice."


Dr Suzy Green is a Clinical and Coaching Psychologist and Founder of The Positivity Institute, an organisation dedicated to the research and application of positive psychology.

Suzy points out, “There are many people who have jumped on the 'brain bandwagon' without any formal qualifications in neuroscience. Not only does Sarah have the academic quals, having completed her PhD at Oxford University, she has that rare strength of being able to translate science into everyday practice. The Neuroscience Academy sessions focus not only on boosting brain-power but aim to help people live their best lives.”


Emer Duffy is a specialist occupational therapist, Dublin, Ireland. She's the founder of Living Life Therapy, an innovative and holistic company that empowers people through rehabilitation and education in brain well-being.

Emer says, “Since completing The Neuroscience Academy I have developed confidence in explaining key neuroscience nuggets to clients using basic language! These nuggets can often shift perceptions and make a real-life difference to how clients view their path to wellness. I also feel more confident that I understand the complexities if I need to expand further.”


Denise Bjorkman is VP of The South African Council of Professional Coaches & Mentors and International & Human Rights Lawyer.

Recently Denise emailed me to say, "Sarah, I am active on several boards, run several companies including a Wellness Clinic and I am still studying. I won’t retire for another 15 years or more if I am still alive, hale and healthy. I have just completed an advanced programme with Medical school on Functional and Integrative Medicine. I am telling you this because of all the programmes I have done at University, online and full time, your offering is unique. You have put together an extraordinary package of learning with such fresh perspectives and approaches. You have no equal. What a journey of learning. We appreciate the quality of your course and the effort that has gone into it to make this a learning experience of substance not a seven-day wonder, but a reflective journey which will last.


Kathy Hunter is an educator and Director of Hunter Study Solutions where she provides specialist tutoring to primary and secondary-age children. As a teacher, Kathy was keenly aware of the need to combine an understanding of the brain and mind with education to enhance the principles of teaching.

Kathy says, “This course has allowed me to provide an evidence-based pedagogy to address the specific requirements of the developing brain. Consequently, my students have benefited from learning knowledge and skills that they can apply to improve their own lives and schooling. This program that is informative, applicable and stimulating to any educator.”


Di Singer, a former corporate advisor is currently involved in the Sydney startup scene.

She says, “This was one of the most exciting courses I have done in years. It is an evidence-based ‘handbook’ on how to live well and live well longer, and much more. It is a thoughtfully-crafted course created and delivered by a passionate, dedicated and delightful teacher. This course is a perfect combination of scientific research and practical suggestions for personal use as well as for people working in fields where neuroscience has direct applicability.”


Rebecca Kornmel is a leadership and performance coach and a student who challenged ME weekly with her insights and thoughtful questions.

She says, “I am inspired by what I learnt and also the natural manner in which it was taught. It’s given me more confidence to speak up against certain loud voices in the coaching space and in favour of coaches (often female) with more integrity."

Reminder: We will not be opening for the 12-week training again till March 2021.


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