Brain-Based Technology Could End the Immigration Crisis
Invincible Defense Technology is a scientifically studied solution that reduces societal stress. Invincible Defense Technology helps diplomatic solutions work. This prevents enemies from arising, breaking the war cycle.

Brain-Based Technology Could End the Immigration Crisis

Note: Reprinted as published in the Nov/Dec 2018 issue of The American's Bulletin This publication has been continuously published for 44 years. Unfortunately, their website was hacked and this issue has been largely unavailable until recently. We believe that our article would be of interest to President Donald Trump as well as the taxpaying US public. Also, many other countries have had an immigration crisis, so this solution would likely be of interest worldwide.

By Arlene Schar and Dr. David Leffler 

It is not necessary for President Trump to "shut down" the US government or close down the Southern US Border to obtain ideal border security. A scientific, field-tested solution to the immigration crisis already exists. It is cheaper, more effective, and more humane than building a wall and incarcerating immigrants. This solution, if successfully implemented, would elevate President Trump to the status of a great humanitarian and brilliant leader capable of solving seemingly unsolvable problems, should he embark on this course of action.

This approach is called Invincible Defense Technology (IDT). When properly applied, IDT neutralizes the collective societal stress that fuels crime, violence, terrorism and war. In this way it creates a powerful and measurable influence of harmony and peace throughout society, defusing the social conditions that lead to conflict and danger within the population. 

People flee their homelands because their living conditions are intolerable and often life-threatening. If instead they were experiencing peace and prosperity, they would have no reason to flee. President Trump as our Commander-in-Chief could make use of the IDT approach to end the immigration crisis once and for all, in a way that is humane and beneficial to everyone involved.

The practical components of IDT are the non-religious Transcendental Meditation (TM) and the advanced TM-Sidhi programs. When large groups of experts practice these programs together, the powerful field effect of coherence and peace they generate spills over into the surrounding population, as extensive scientific research has shown. Many published, peer-reviewed research studies have repeatedly confirmed measurable decreases in war, terrorism, and crime, as well as improvements in quality of life such as reduced accidents, hospital admissions, and infant mortality--all tangible signs of reduction of societal stress.

In highly stressed areas of the globe, the establishment of large groups of IDT experts has also led to increased prosperity and economic growth, including a decrease in the misery index and significant increase in competitive growth. These positive changes in social trends have occurred concomitant with IDT.

Militaries in South America and Africa are actively field-testing this approach by creating Prevention Wings of the Military, using IDT to reduce crime, quell violence, create prosperity, prevent the rise of enemies, and create the conditions for lasting peace.

President Trump's effort to create a separate Space Force branch of the US military is an ambitious goal. However, if President Trump were to create an elite IDT Prevention Wing, this brain-based system of defense would be more powerful than any approaches utilizing conventional weaponry.

By establishing a Prevention Wing capable of not only eliminating the immigration crisis but also capable of creating the conditions leading to lasting world peace, President Trump would assuredly go down in history as the greatest president ever to serve our country, perhaps even to be honored with the Nobel Peace Prize.

For less than the cost of a few modern fighter jets, our military can train 15,000 warriors in this advanced IDT approach. Once trained, this elite force would begin to defuse tensions in stressful locations worldwide. With 15,000 trained troops practicing the IDT approach as a group twice a day, deployed either at sea or on land, the societal conditions in these troubled countries will immediately improve. As the collective consciousness of the populations rises through the influence of greater harmony and peace, those who have engaged in violence will no longer do so, and better solutions will occur to the people and their leaders for improving their own living conditions. Studies have shown repeatedly that this method works--and will continue to work as long as the peace-creating group is maintained.

Given everything we have tried which has not worked, and everything we have tried which has been inhumane, it is certainly worth giving this approach a try, especially in light of its track record for success. It is simple, successful, and cost-effective, and has the potential to position the USA as the world leader of this cutting-edge technology. With IDT President Trump would not only make America great once again, but truly make America even greater than before!

About the authors:

Arlene J. Schar is the Executive Assistant at the Center for Advanced Military Science (CAMS). Her husband Dr. David Leffler served as an Associate of the Proteus Management Group at the Center for Strategic Leadership, US Army War College. Currently, he serves as the Executive Director at CAMS (

South American Security Forces Protect Their Nations with Invincible Defense Technology

South American leaders have realized that, even if they could afford to finance a strong technologically superior military and police, they still would suffer from crime, terrorism, war, and casualties. They have instead chosen to adopt the IDT model whereby their military becomes not only strong, with more resilient and focused troops, but also more invincible by abating the collective social stresses responsible for crime, war, and terrorism. With IDT the stress cycle is broken by eliminating societal stresses, which in turn eliminates all enemies. It is in this sense that we can say their military becomes invincible: it no longer has an enemy it has to fight. No enemy means no war and no terrorism and reduced crime. A quantitative advantage is gained when a military deploys large numbers of IDT experts. The field effect thus produced provides a strategic advantage in protecting their nation. And, if the group is large enough, this advantage also benefits nearby nations since the larger field effect calms tensions in their countries as well, protecting everyone from potential adversaries.





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