Brahmi to gupta to natya shastra part 10 in reference to #nada bindu kala / kalaa aspects : #heritage and culture, #shastra, #natya shastra , #art,

Brahmi to gupta to natya shastra part 10 in reference to #nada bindu kala / kalaa aspects : #heritage and culture, #shastra, #natya shastra , #art,

1)Nada bindu kala / kalaa importance and its genesis an introduction and its perspective :-

To understand the nada bindu kala / nada bindu kalaa one needs to have the proper understanding of the very subject cosmic energy that has been existing in the universe at macro and micro levels . However here to understand this one needs to understand the very existence of universe at multi levels. However not everyone could be able to understand this concept, except for a very few of them.

The point here is that one needs to have that sadhana or penance in this regards. The individual needs to have that patience and perseverance to understand that form. In precise one needs to have under that formless nature of the prakrithi and purusha / kama + eshwara?& kama + eswari aspect of the very existence at anu and paramanu levels. This is infact very much the concept that happens to be existing in the daya to day affairs of the individuals who are existing on this earthly existence.

However to give that reference of nada aspect of the human existence one needs to understand the very existence of the consciousness awareness and its introduction as a single entity. However today in this complex situation where the human existence is going through various turmoils, one does not really have any time to cater to these activities as a whole.

Very interestingly to understand this?concept of formless existence of prakrithi and purusha, classical dance has that influence respectively. Here if we see the nada aspect happens to come into picture. Yet again the dancer with or without her knowledge would get it. Though the dancer is not aware of it.

Now one may ask as to how am I interrelating this to the very subject to nada bindu kala, let me try to explain this in simple terms which is as follows:

Nada here refers to the very existence of human entity having those 72000 nadis in the body, which have been imbibed by default, and certain qualities like kama, lobha, moha, mada and matscharya aspects which are nothing but lust, anger, greed, delusion, arrogance, missiries and stinginess respectively.

Though human existence is so complex in itself that, this gets vulnerable to external factors. To overcome this one needs to understand that shabda brahman concept or shabda bheda as a whole again. This shabda has that ability to transform that complex mind’s thought from the view point of consciousness awareness. The point here is, consciousness awareness is directly or indirectly related to nada bindu kala aspects.

Bindu here refers to very aspect of that feeble mystical light that exists and has always been existing, will not cease to exist in the multiverse. However here is where one needs to understand this very subject from the objective of understanding that nirguna and nirakara shiva and shakthi / prakrithi and purusha aspect. Meaning going beyond the point of the shabdas. This is nothing but the omkara beeeja manthra which is nothing pranava beejamantra. This has akara ukaraa and makara beejas respectively. However if we see it in more broader sense, akara, aakara, ukara, ookara, ikara, ieekara, ieemkara and makara beejas are the predominant sounds that one needs to really feel.

The point here is that this makara beeja which directly connects us to the shiva and shakthi aspect too. That pranava nada which is not as easy to be understood, it only comes through the penance and practice of the yoga. The point of confluence which happens as the sahasrara or the final point of convergence.

Now to get to this nada aspect, one needs to understand that para and apara vidya aspect. Para here refers that absolute knowledge blissful state of mind, which clears all the doubts of the individuals. Here in this state the individual will be going beyond the shabda bheda or shabda prakarna. And apara vidya is that where the individual will be still the state of understanding the subject in akara swaroopa. The nada aspect is so complex in the human existence is that, one needs to really do a lot of sadhana. This needs lot of patience and perseverance with firm conviction, that due delligence aspect of the submitting himself or herself as a whole. Meaning giving yourself to that all pervading formless godly existence.

To share that experience I have been practicing yoga and meditation for almost 25 years now. Today at the age of 47 I can feel that nirguna and nirkara tattva of shiva or shakthi.?I used to go to temples and see if I could understand this, yet again it did not happen. Though with the meditation on the bindu or the focus point so called that divine light which is feeble in nature. This one can see?and feel, yet again cannot be expressed. One needs to have this first hand experience to feel this.

The omkara pranava beeja manthra is key for everything here. This has to be felt and once this is felt and you have experienced this, this feeling cannot be expressed nor be shared. But that supreme blissful state will always be there in the minds of the individual at all levels. That is effect of nada aspect at higher levels. Though this can be talked about from the different perspective though.

Thus this feeble sound which constists of beejaksharas having akara, aakara, ukara, ookara, ikara, ieekara, ieemkara and makara beejaakshara at the nada point which starts from mooladhara or the genitals of mesculine and feminine form of existence on this earth. However here is where one needs to understand that the energy starts to get blasted out from this point. This energy is always ever existing on the human body. Yet again none of us know that this has to ignited.

2)Understanding nada bindu kala / kalaa aspect understanding from various angles :-

This has to be ignited in the following ways?which are as follows :

1)?Yoga?or that sama yogam aspect which gets us connected to that divine energy force. The means for this is chanting that pranava ome manthra. However this does not happen in a day or so, yet again it needs lots of practice that needs to be done by the sadhaka. Here the point of doing this sadhana is to get into the culmination with that nirakara and nirvikalpa formless god shiva and shakthi. However one needs to be aware of the fact that, if one reaches a point where he or she is able to see that shunya aspect meaning that emptiness even while performing rituals like yagnas, homas, or doing seva to that form god or goddess, it means it has reached that point of understanding that nirguna and nirvikalpa prakrithi and purusha.

2)?The point here is that yoga is all about that aspect of getting to understand that travel between the space and time so called kala. Here I am not talking about the manusmritis at all. But I am talking about the human existence’s time frame that he or she is existing. Here the sadhaka would be able to understand the aspect of the sakshi and sakshi bhootha aspects. Sakshi here again means that incomplete human being who has been and will exist till the time he or she finishes his or her job on this earth and thus leave this bodily being.

3)?He or she experiences those actions that happens on this earth only. However the result is not in the hands of the individuals?at all. If it is success or failure. He or she will be seeing those actions and thus experiences the same. At the same time as I said, our body has all the pancha bhoothas imbibed in our body and pancha koshas imbibed by default.

3)Nada bindu kala / kalaa from perspective of pancha bhoota tattvas apects :-

What are these pancha bhoothas that form a part of the body :

Pancha Bhutas are the five great elements in Hinduism - space, air, fire, water and earth. Hindu religion teaches that the environment constitute of the five great elements and are derived from Prakriti – the primal energy and are related to the five senses. Nose is related to earth, tongue to water, eyes to fire, skin to air and ears to space.

4)??The Pancha Bhutas are interconnected and the Upanishads states – From Brahman (the Supreme Truth) arises space, from space arises air, from air arises fire, from fire arises water, and from water arises earth."


The concept of Pancha Bhutas symbolically states that all that living and nonliving are forms of the Supreme Truth.

The?Pancha Bhuta?are the basic elements that make up any living organism on Earth or anywhere else in the Universe. Below table gives a reference on what component of the human body is associated with these elements. Each of the five finger in human beings is also associated with a particular element, so this means the energy associated with the appropriate element can be channelized through various hand mudras.

Bhuta (Element)

Human Body Component

Associated Finger

Associated consort

Characteristic principle[6]

Sense Organs

Akasha/Dyaus (Space)

Astral body

Middle Finger

Bhumi /Prithvi



Vayu (Air)


Index Finger



Skin (tvac)

Agni (Fire)

Body Heat



Form-colour (Rupa)


Jala/Varuna (Water)

Water (incl blood)

Little Finger


Taste (rasa)


Bhumi /Prithvi ?(Earth )

Flesh, bones & organs

Ring Finger

Dyaus/Akasha or?Varaha /Vishnu




All of these if we see are cosmically connected to that gigantic multiverse. Though one needs to understand the concept from the very aspect of the subject of existence and co-existence of the human consciousness awareness aspect. However here is where one needs to connect himself or herself to the very concept nada aspect. The point here is that bindu which exists in the multiverse is of feeble in nature. This happens at the mooladhara of the shat chakras of the human body. These are again connected to the tanmatra aspects in cross reference to the existence of that formless nature of the shiva and shakthi tattva / touching upon the prakrithi and purusha aspects as a whole holistically.

The concept of understanding the subject of the nada from objective point of view of the prakrithi and purusha / ardhararishwara tattva aspect makes it more relevant to the subject of the nada concept as a whole.

4)Nada bindu kala / kalaa from the view point of tantra aspects?:-

Let us try understanding the tanmatra aspect in detailed :

Tanmatras?(Sanskrit : ???????? = tanmātra) are rudimentary, undifferentiated, subtle elements from which gross elements are produced.

1)There are five sense perceptions – hearing, touch, sight, taste and smell – and there are five tanmatras corresponding to those five sense perceptions and the five sense-organs.

2)The tanmatras combine and re-combine in different ways to produce the gross elements – ether, air, fire, water, and earth – which make up the gross universe perceived by the senses.

3)The senses come into contact with the objects and carry impressions of them to the?manas ?(mind), which receives and arranges them into precepts. This can be related to the very subject of the understanding the concept of chit?aspect of the human existence.

Thus nada aspect is to be understood by and large from various corners in the 360 degrees view point. This nada aspect is further accelerated or exploded using the mudras which act as the mediators for generating that energy which starts its functioning from the mooladhara part of the human body. Though this exists and always will be there, this has to be given that ignition effect. Which happens from the yoga point of view as I was explaining the same.

5)??Meditative practices are the other aspects of activating the nada?which will happen in two ways respectively which are sitting posture where in you perform the asanas respectively. And other is the classical dance form, it could be any kind of the dance form, yet again both have same effect as a whole holistically respectively. The mudras that are used in the dance that gets us connected to the nada aspect are as follows :

Anjali Mudra Gesture of reverenceOffering; PrayerPalms touching, fingers pointing upward. May be placed in front of the sternum, the forehead, or overhead.

Dhyana ?MudraPsychic gesture of meditationUpturned hands overlapping each other, usually right on top of left, with the thumbs touching.

Vāyu MudraPsychic gesture of element airTip of index finger on the ball of the thumb, with thumb over the bent finger. Other three fingers are extended.

Shunya Mudra (or Shuni Mudra)Psychic gesture of void, emptyMiddle finger bent, with thumb over it. Other three fingers are extended. Sometimes, tip of the bent finger on the ball of the thumb.

Prithvi Mudra Psychic gesture of element earthRing finger bent, with thumb over it. Other three fingers are extended.Varuna MudraPsychic gesture of element waterLittle finger bent, with thumb over it. Other three fingers are extended.

Shakti MudraPsychic gesture of powerTips of little and ring fingers of both hands touching, with middle and index fingers folded. Sometimes, thumb folded towards the palm.

Hakini MudraHand-steepling or finger-tenting: joining matching fingertips of right and left hands.Prāna MudraPsychic gesture to activate life force energyTips of little finger and ring fingers touch thumb. Other two fingers are extended.

Apāna MudraPsychic gesture of life forceTips of middle and ring fingers touch thumb. Other two fingers are extended.

Poorna Mudra / Brahma MudraGesture of full breathThumb tucked in, placed at the base of the fingers. Remaining fingers curled over thumb, forming a fist. Hands are then tucked under the navel area, with fingers facing upwards, and back of the fingers touching.

Gyana Mudra / Chin MudraPsychic gesture of knowledgeTip of index finger touches thumb, hand upturned. Other three fingers are extended

Jnana Mudra / Chin MudraPsychic gesture of consciousnessTip of index finger touches thumb, hand overturned. Other three fingers are extended.

Adi MudraThe first gesture (as held by a new born baby)Thumb tucked in, placed at the base of the fingers. Remaining fingers curled over thumb, forming a fist.

Chinmaya Mudra Pervaded by consciousness mudrāTip of thumb and index finger touching. Other three fingers are folded.Yoni MudraAttitude of the womb or sourceHands touching by the tips of thumbs and index fingers. Other six fingers are either interlaced or folded and pressed together.

Bhairav MudraFierce or terrifying attitudeUpturned hands overlapping each other, usually right on top of left.

Hridaya MudraHeart gestureIndex finger bent under the thumb. Middle and ring finger touching tip of thumb. Little finger extended.

Vishnu MudraHand gesture of Lord VishnuThumb, ring and little finger extended. Index and middle finger folded and touching pad of thumb.

Granthita MudraKnot gestureThumb and index fingers of each hand touch at tips and are interlaced, other fingers are interlaced and folded at the knuckles.

Mahasir MudraGreat head gestureDone with the right hand. Ring finger is curled into the palm. The tips of the index and middle finger touch the tip of the thumb. Little finger extended.

Now if you see all of these mudras which has that relevance to the very aspects of the nada activation point. However one needs to really see these mudra aspects and these these needs to be understood by and large with utmost delligency and firm conviction. Though understanding that nada aspect is much more easier to be understood if the mudras are performed. For a classical dancer this is much more easier?to get connected to that formless nature of shiva and shakthi / prakrithi and purusha. This can be possible if only one is able to understand that omkara beeja tattva and able to get those sounds. Thus gets connected to the higher cosmic energy levels at macro and micro levels respectively. This also needs to be understood from the aspect of anu and parmanu aspect. Atom and subatomic levels.

5)Nada bindu kala / kalaa from view of bindu or the focal point from the view point of human antomy and their reference to pancha bhootha :-

Thus going further this touches upon the shat chakras of the human bodily existence which again are interrelated to the chakras aspects respectively. As I was speaking about the pancha bhoothas, these are represented by the fingers in the human body corresponding to the respective bhootas or the elements in the multiverse :

According to?Yoga , the aim of?sadhana?is to have mastery over oneself. This mastery can be achieved by mastering all the basic elements. The process of gaining mastery over these elements and purifying them is called?Bhuta Shuddhi.

Finger Name


Kanishthika, Little Finger


Anamika, Ring Finger


Madhyama, Middle Finger


Tarjani, Index Finger


Angustha, Thumb



Pancha Bhuta Stalam ?is representation of?Pancha Bhuta?for yogic practice. People used to move from one temple to another and do?sadhana?on particular basic element.

The seven?Chakras ?in the human?subtle body ?are associated with these five elements.[8]




Muladhara Chakra


Stability, Support

Swadhishthan Chakra


Joy, Well-being

Manipura Chakra


Wisdom, Power

Anahata Chakra



Vishuddha Chakra


Trust, Creativity

Ajna Chakra


Knowledge, Intuition, Dignity

Sahasrara Chakra



Hasta Mudra?or hand posture is based on the?panch Bhutas. The basic assumption is that all the five elements can be represented by five different fingers in human body as shown in the table below.

?????????The three?dosha- three intrinsic tendencies, which, according to?ayurveda ?are intrinsic in every human being, are representation of combination of these five elements in human body. The three?dosha?have subtle positive essences which control the mind and body function.













Vastu shastra ?emphasizes on the placement of five elements in specified direction and the balance of these elements determines the condition of the associated structure.


Associated Direction




Expansion, enhancement



Movements, joy, happiness



Power, confidence, fame



Spirituality, ideas, thoughts, healing


Center, Diagonal

Stability, peace and harmony

The house itself is placed so that maximum load and weight is in the southwest area of the plot. Thus, there is maximum open space in the north and east sides of the plot, satisfying Vayu/air and Akasha/aether. The main gate, the verandah and the main door are in the northeast of the house; south of the verandah the main living room, and south of that one or two bedrooms. The kitchen is placed in the southeast corner of the house, to balance Akasha and Agni.

Pancha Bhuta is associated with six human tastes/Rasas as below.


Associated Bhuta


Jala, Prithvi?(Earth and Water)


Prithvi, Agni?(Earth and Fire)


Jala, Agni?(Water and Fire)


Vayu, Agni?(Air and Fire)


Akasha, Vayu?(Aether and Air)


Vayu, Prithvi?(Air and Earth)

Naredla Rama Chandra

free lancer wrtiter at art/classical dance

1 年

all of you are liking the posts, yet again a small request i have been trying for jobs for quite a long time, still no hold for the job. This message for all the individuals who are at senior levels in the sense managers and above who could really help me get a job with my kind of experience in the fields of admin and general office administration, or get me a contract for the content writing which would help me in getting that self sustenance for my daily needs. Hoping the followers will understand the same



