Braai with Net Braai in 2025
Building a Digital Braai & Lifestyle Magazine in South Africa.
"Ons Gaan Nou Braai"
This is probably one of the most famous one-liners in South Africa.
It has the smell of wood burning, the sound of Beer opening & Ice cubes hitting the glass for a fresh Brandy & Coke.
It has the sound of meat hitting the grill and friends laughing and sharing stories around the fire.
While photos of "Bakkie" upgrades lead the boys to another round of drinks, the Instagram, Facebook & TikTok stories are shot and shared.
The spice starts flowing and the "Proe Hier" festival starts.
It's bad jokes and sports discussions while the girls "skinder" and as the Gin takes over, serious topics like Nails, Hair & Makeup lead the conversation with the nonstop question" Waneer Braai Julle"
"Ons Gaan Nou Braai" is followed up with the demand " Bring die Braai Broodtjies"
The smell of Braaivleis moves the young men away from the PlayStation as they start pulling in for a few life lessons and dirty jokes from the "Manne". The young girls stop by to remind the dads they are hungry and the food is taking forever.
The testers make the men focus for a moment as the discussion becomes Medium, Rare, or Well Done.
"Die Kos is reg" echoes out and the Braai Bakke makes a noise you can taste.
The fire melts the hours together into a good time good food and another Epic "Babelas"
The empty beer cans chuckle at you while the Brandy & Gin Bottles applaud your bravery for having just one "Regmaker" before the cleanup starts.
Yes indeed.
Ons Gaan Nou " Weer" Braai.
Ons wil Net Braai.
This is why I started Net Braai.
14 Months ago the fire was started and we have not looked back.
A Digital Braai & Lifestyle magazine that talks about everything that makes us South African.
In 2024 we reached over 20 Million People and achieved 25 Million views on Facebook Instagram & TikTok.
We did some Epic Braai & Meat Smoking events and I even ended up in Germany at the World BBQ Championship.
Braai is part of the DNA of every South African, we love meat and fire almost as much as Ice Cold Beer & Brandy & Coke.
In 2025 we aim to double what we did last year
This is also why I am putting out this article.
If you or someone you know wants to make Content, a Show or just advertise with us, please let me know.
Pass on the word like a good Braai Tip and hopefully, I will share a drink with you around the Braai Fire Soon.
Be Blessed and I hope 2025 treats you like a Braai Broodtjie.