BPOSeats' Daily Echoes
Raymart Yba?ez
Content Writer at Philippines Call Center Seats - Cebu Seat Leasing for BPO - Philippines | BPOSEATS.COM
The Onslaught of Technology
In order to acquire information instantaneously, one must recourse to the advantages that modern technology provides. What it all takes is one simple click — then voila! — the pre-recorded information, oral or written, comes to you.
I am a person who is abnormally attracted to old things. I am from the generation which takes delight in going to the exact place to gather information to complete a requirement or writing on a piece of yellow pad paper to place it inside a white envelope and drop in the mailbox of the local snail-mailing services.
Now that we have Messenger, WhatsApp, Facebook, and others, our lives have been changed fundamentally. Now, we can send important messages and information without even standing up and dropping the envelope in the mailbox.
The onslaught of technology disrupts the massive inconvenience and laborious mode of life. What we have now is a world endlessly revolving towards a future filled with lengthy codes and computers.
I said to myself, "what do we do without technology?"
The question seems to blur many things at present. Even my vivid childhood memories are juxtaposed by recent memories which include day by day usage of technology. Thus, I have no definite answer.
But I firmly know that the former mode of life is manually-driven at large.
Technology has turned itself from something to achieve many things in life into a habit or a commonplace, discovering the unknown territories of human reality and drawing closer people. Thus, technology has become "a daily life."
I don't suggest that everything in this world at present is technological, but it is an inescapable direction of our collective consciousness that we have been included as technologies ourselves.
The bright side, however, is that technology comes in all directions, in all departments of human life. With that fact, we can make most of it, and without halting the journey forward, for sure, we can arrive at the destination where globally social cohesion transcends from being a possibility and turns into a hard reality.
Here in BPOSeats.com, technology is one chief aspect of our solutions to drive your business to stability and success. We ride on the onslaught of technology to bring out the fullest potential of your business.
The only requirement is for you to...
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