BPOSeats' Daily Echoes
Raymart Yba?ez
Content Writer at Philippines Call Center Seats - Cebu Seat Leasing for BPO - Philippines | BPOSEATS.COM
Our former priest-professor was discussing metaphysical theories one hazy morning after our daily mass. We were college students back then in the seminary and one of our classmates was deeply interested in Aristotle's "four causes."
This classmate of ours was seriously fond of abstract understanding of things, especially the material things around us. When our professor started to elaborate detail by detail the theory of Aristotle, he made the seat beside him as an example.
"*Material Cause, the stuff out of which something is made — obviously, the seat is made of wood, no?
*Formal Cause, the defining characteristics of the thing (e.g. shape) — the shape of the chair is uhhhh — square-ish.
*Final Cause, the purpose of the thing — of course, no, the seat is intended to be sat on.
*Efficient Cause, the one who caused the thing to exist — let me remind you that not all carpenters are well-rounded carpenters." The priest-professor enumerated in a loud, throaty voice.
Our deeply interested classmate was sharply staring at the whiteboard, folding his arms, and appearing to be in the reverie of the metaphysical theory. He then snapped out of it by asking a question: "Why the seat, father?"
This question asked by my dear classmate instantly recalled to mind the services we offer in BPOSeats.com. I'd like to answer the question myself.
"Why seats?"
Seats are ready-packaged with BPOSeats.com, inclusive of office space and solutions geared to prop up business operations, allowing auspicious stability and growth.
We help businesses of all sizes, whether local or foreign, to land cost-effective, convenient, and highly-secured partnered operations side by side with wide-ranging services sure to cover tricky portions of the business.
"Why seats?"
Because we simply offer the best seats around.
Discover the answer to the question by a call or message.
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Website: www.bposeats.com
Wait, what was the answer of the priest-professor?