Paul Levine
Commercial Realtor and Real Estate Advisor | Retired CPA with over 50 years of income tax experience that no other Commercial Realtor has, Income Tax Consultant and unmatched Creatively!
I get more emails per day than Carter makes pills (if you got that you are as old as dirt, or as old as I am).? And I wanted to write today that interest rates are coming down and the real estate market will loosen up this coming year, at least until the Presidential elections are held in November.? In fact, that is the song that I have been singing ever since the interest rates started to go up about a couple of years ago.? I still believe that will happen and that will cause the real estate market, both residential and commercial, to loosen up due to the interest rates coming down.? You see, that’s the way it has always been and so I started to open up emails that I normally wouldn’t be making my case for this article.
What I found is that there is no true consensus as to when will happen in the near future as well as far into the future.? I have written articles in the past about who is an expert even though everyone claims to be one.? But it seems that not only does everyone have their opinion, but they also all have a different opinion.? So now let’s look at all of the variables that we live with day to day and especially consider what is at stake in November.? We will have a Presidential election this coming November and we really have no clue who will be sworn in on January 20, 2025.? We have inflation and the cost of just about everything has gone through the roof.? Everything, that is, except your paycheck!? I cannot go food shopping anymore without writing a check, or charging everything, for less than 3 digits, and most times it’s now $2 in the first place.? You have to take out a second, or third, mortgage every time you fill your tank with gasoline.? And I have absolutely no idea what it costs to charge an electric car.? Interest rates are high but so are house prices!? Commercial real estate isn’t a whole lot better off than residential real estate.
And, like I started this article off by saying, everyone has a different idea as to what is going to happen tomorrow.? I still believe that interest rates will come down before the November elections or the Democrats, any Democrat, wouldn’t be able to be elected to dogcatcher.? I also think that inflation will level off and that real estate will start to make sense again.? And yes, I also believe that Santa Clause will come down the chimney in December.? In other words, we may just have “NORMALCYâ€!!!? I am not going anywhere, and I don’t think that the vast majority of you will go anywhere unless you move to one of those cities that are financially feasible to live in.? One of those cities is in North Dakota.? I moved from New York City to Los Angeles back in 1969 because the Winter if 1969 was really harsh and I had to get away from the cold and the snow and the ice.? I wouldn’t move to North Dakota if you set me up in a house and paid me!!!? So, if we are all here in a year or so I will be proven right or wrong and you will all know it.
?My name is Paul Levine, and I am a Commercial Realtor, a Real Estate Advisor, an Investment Advisor, an Income Tax Consultant, a Residential Realtor of luxury homes in Southern California and an author!!! ?I was also a University Professor for 6 ? years.? So, my desire is also to teach you something and I am also hoping to learn something from you, my audience!!!? You can call me at (818) 298 – 4000 after 10 AM Pacific Time Monday through Friday and, yes, even on the weekends. Or you can send an email to me at and I will always try and answer you in a timely manner.