And, boy, do I like this ??

And, boy, do I like this ??

I am spoiled, dear reader. So spoiled, in fact, that I am having to double up my favourite photos. What is my process? ?? ??

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  1. First, I take them. No, I lie. First, I am inspired.

That's half the trick.

2. Then, I choose the best. ??

3. The best get cropped if needed. ???

4. The chosen few get uploaded in the order of the newsletter. This is before any text. The picture order just comes... by itself. Like a visual story. 1??2??3??

I am now starting to play with multiples on the same subject, and seeing how that works. Take, for example, the heaven tree.

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They don't call them heaven trees for no reason. They grow fast, they grow high.

I love it when flowers are so temporary that you snooze and they're gone.

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And I love their anthers. They way the petals open and close at different times. The insects they attract.

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Lavish, lavish pollen. Can you imagine being blue? Soft fuzz that just happens to be baby blue. What alien fairy-tale am I in?

I almost missed it. The side of my eye together with my subconscious must've spotted it, and made me slow down my gait. Pause. Thinking that I was just looking at flowers, I approached with my camera. In the last moment, I noticed this rather small, beautiful blue moth.

This, I did not miss.

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Gasesti de toate-n gradina lui Dumnezeu.

"Anything can be found in God's garden."

This duck has oil glands on its face to keep waterproof. And it's not afraid to show it. Just one thing among Ely's display.

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It's amazing what difference a subtle change of colour can make. Shades of grey, now fizzing blues and penetrating greens. Perhaps we might survive elsewhere, a different place, a different planet, some rock somewhere. But I'm not sure we would like it.

And, boy, do I like this.



