The boxer, the fighter, and a country divided...
Bryce Main
Multi-genre author, mostly Crime fiction. Scottish. Been writing longer than I’ve been wearing big boy’s trousers.
America has a voting population of about 209 MILLION million. Give or take.
Last night, about 150 MILLION of them, give or take, voted for the guy, and therefore by definition, the party, they want to govern the country for the next four years.
Around half (ish) voted for the guy in the red corner…Trump.
A fighter who can box.
The other half (ish) voted for the guy in the blue corner…Biden.
A boxer who can fight.
Only one of them would win.
Only one of them would walk away a champion.
The other one might not live long enough, or be well enough, or be mentally fit enough, to get a second chance.
I woke up this morning, November 4, 2020, to find all the votes cast and most of them counted.
The fighter and boxer were still on their feet… bruised and bloodied…and neck and neck on points (well, almost).
It might be days before someone brave enough, clever enough, (or stupid enough), throws in the towel or rings the bell and declares one of them the winner.
The sad thing is, the real loser in this brawl will be a country that’s divided, hurting, and not the heavyweight champion of the world it used to be.
It deserves to be so much more than it is today.
But that’s a job for tomorrow…
The above is an extract from my book Ad Infinitum (still in the pregnancy stage).
Like its sisters Ad Lib, and Ad Hoc, it's about creativity, advertising, life, and lots of stuff in between.
You'll find Ad Lib and Ad Hoc on Amazon, along with my other books, Love & Coffee and Heaven Help Us. In print and ebook. Waiting for you. Just look here:
Ad Lib:
Ad Hoc:
Love & Coffee:
Heaven Help Us:
Grab a coffee, grab a chair, and grab a sneaky peek.
Then grab a copy..
Manager Graphics Design and Production
4 年Well written Bryce. You’ve outlined the problem perfectly. Somehow I thought at least 60% of the population was educated and smart enough to see a con when hear one. The lies and the false information that’s been spreading here in Florida has been rampant. None of these dunder heads even bother to educate them selves about the issues. It’s been so frustrating I thing my wife is about the pull her hair out of her head. My new job is to try and calm her down.