This is a word rarely seen or used in modern times. Bounties harken back to the days of the Old West when lawmen went after lawbreakers for money. It's a fundamental and basic aspect of human existence - the idea of hunting humans for money, but it has existed for millennia. Kings and Queens have put bounties on enemy ships on the high seas, sharing the booty with its purveyor. It was called being a Privateer, but it was basically authorization to be a pirate. Soldiers in ancient times were rewarded after battles with bounties of gold, slaves, booty, and whatever else they could get their hands on. This isn't a new idea, not by a long shot.
A history of bounties
As a child of 16 years, I had a job working for my father. He started a company that reported bad check issuers to grocery stores, department stores, and other businesses that paid him to identify bad check writers and keep from getting bad checks. The other side of the house was collecting the bad checks the businesses did get. That was my job. For $5 a check, I'd go out at night, knock on doors, and get cash to cover the NSF checks he had been given to collect for his clients. At the time, I didn't think about it much. Back then, $5 was a tank of gas in my 1958 Nash Metropolitan. I was a well-developed swimmer with a broad chest, big biceps, and an attitude. I wanted my bounty. I needed the bounty to buy what I wanted. That was the beginning of becoming a bounty hunter.
Modern Bounties
At the next stage of my life, I was a bounty hunter once more. It started out as a job working for International Harvester Company. As a Finance Sales Representative, I was paid to find machinery that people had financed with Harvester Credit Corporation and which had not been paid for according to the financing contract they'd signed. The company sent me out to get the money owed or the equipment. I was a Repossession Specialist. Finding machinery meant finding the men who operated it. That's hunting men. Over-the-road truckers, loggers, farmers, and others who failed to pay for their equipment had me to reckon with. I was called "The Repo King" at the Denver office. If it was out there, I found it. If the men who failed to pay for the machines were out there, I would find them before I found the machines. It was my job and I was paid well to do it.
Going Solo
After getting my life threatened, in fights, and shot at a few times by unhappy customers who didn't like having their machinery repossessed, I moved on to greener pastures. I discovered that other folks had a need to get problems solved, which required a bounty hunter. When one person owed another person a lot of money, I was commissioned to go out, find the debtor, and get the money. That meant hunting men. I was also commissioned to locate stolen property and return it to its rightful owner. First, I had to find the men who had stolen the property. I became very good at finding men for money. It might not be the most glorious or glamorous way to earn an income, but with a wife and three kids, I had to do what I had to do. I didn't break many laws, but I did go to jail in Fort Benton, Montana after repossessing a semi-truck without notifying the County Sheriff ahead of time.
Why talk about bounties?
I bring up the subject because of something that is happening in Missouri right now. A newly-elected state legislator in Missouri has filed a bill that authorizes paying a $1,000 bounty for bringing in illegal aliens. That's right. A bounty on illegal aliens. Think about it for a moment. If there are 20 million illegal aliens in America right now, that means somebody could make $20 billion bringing them all in. Talk about stimulating the economy! You know if the federal government tries to deport the illegal aliens, it will get totally fucked up in the first 30 seconds. But if private citizens get involved, it's like having contractors working for the government. Contractors who don't get paid until the job gets done, not the other way around. And it's the perfect motivation for illegal aliens to get the hell out of America before they become bounty material. What a great motivational tool!
Archaic solutions to a modern problem
Are bounties archaic? Absolutely. Are bounties unconventional? No doubt. Are bounties effective? Damn straight, Skippy! Put a bounty on somebody's head and watch how fast they vamoose. Bounty hunters know bounty subjects run to the safest place they can find as quickly as possible. In the case of illegal aliens, the safest place for them is on the other side of the southern border. We know it and they know it. Is this inhumane? No. What IS inhumane is allowing all these desperate and destitute people into our country with no way of regulating, overseeing, or monitoring their presence. That puts American citizens who pay for the whole travesty at risk. It just doesn't make sense to pay money so life becomes worse. We've already seen the death and destruction that illegal aliens can foment. Why wouldn't we want to use the most effective method of cleaning out the detritus from our nation? Bounties are the answer.
Think "Economic Stimulus Package"
Consider all the implications of a bounty-based deportation effort. There will be benefits to the bus industry, both manufacturers and bus lines. Benefits to gas stations and convenience stores along the paths of exit. Border Patrol will be more concerned with the outgoing traffic than the incoming traffic, making their jobs easier. Taxpayers will no longer be paying for free food, rent, phones, health care, crimes, violence, damage, and all the other benefits illegal aliens bring with them. That will create a huge stimulus by saving taxpayer dollars and spending them on the taxpayers themselves. ICE won't have to hire nearly as many agents. The federal government can let the grassroots effort take care of the problem at a much lower cost than if it tried to do it on its own. I think it makes sense on a lot of fronts.
Pushing back the Pushback
Yeah, there will be a lot of pushback. Mostly from the liberals and the namby-pamby bleeding hearts who want to hold hands and sing Kumbaya. But once this thing gets started, there will be no stopping it. Talk about opportunities for success! Entire industries can be built that will hunt down illegal aliens and get them detained for deportation. Rounding up illegal aliens can be done like a city-wide trash removal effort. Entire neighborhoods can have well-funded block parties by cleaning out the cockroaches hidden in the cellars and attics. It could be an economic tsunami all across America! The more I write about it, the more I like it. It's about time to take measures as forceful as necessary to remove the 20 million invaders from our country. You aren't going to get 20 million people to leave by just making a suggestion or passing a law. Pushback from Americans who want their country back will overcome anything liberals and bleeding hearts can generate.
Conclusion of the illusion
When Biden and Harris threw open the border to anyone who wanted to come across, they created the single largest invasion in recorded history. For so many people to invade a country and take its resources for themselves has never been accomplished until Joe Biden showed them the way. Not only was HIS action illegal, it was a violation of his oath to protect America from all adversaries, foreign and domestic. At this point, the damage is done and now it is a matter of reversing what has been done as quickly as possible. Is it humane to remove people who came here illegally? Yes. Do we need to coddle and comfort them on the trip back home? No. Stick 'em on a bus, a train, or a plane, but get 'em the hell out of here ASAP! The illusion that America wanted them in the first place was wrong. The illusion that the illegal aliens would somehow be given amnesty and join with America's citizens as one of their own was wrong. And the illusion that the illegal aliens would vote for the Democratic Party as a thank-you for letting them in was also wrong. It is time to conclude the illusion and get life in America back.