"Boundless Intimacy, The Visceral Transmission"?

"Boundless Intimacy, The Visceral Transmission"

April 14, 2016

Dear Friends And Colleagues,

Aloha From The Big Island Of Hawaii!

May this posting find you in good health and well-being. Just a reminder that my new book, "Boundless Intimacy: The Eye And Treasury Of Core-Self," is available for a 15% discount at ZenIntimacy.Com.  

At ZenIntimacy.Com, I also have several links where you can purchase the E-Book version. However, I still encourage you to get a printed copy for study and reference at home. I say this because I created, designed, and formatted all the major artwork in the printed copies. I also chose an organic laminate cover with a felt sensual texture just for you. I did all this to visually and sensually enhance the visceral transmission of the written teachings to your whole body. I guarantee that when you hold the printed book in your own hands and become sensually intimate with the organic cover and poetic artwork, you will be grateful that you did. 

I invite you to "Preview" the printed version of my book by clicking Here. As always, your comments and questions regarding my book or any of my teachings are always welcomed. You can contact me directly through my personal email at: [email protected]

with blessings and gratitude for your supportive connection,

Andrew Shugyo Daijo Bonnici, Ph.D.

View My Primary Web Portal At ZenDoctor.Com


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