Boundary Setting for GHG Emission Accounting
“Setting boundaries is really a huge part of systematic and specific workspace environment.”
It is 1st stage for developing an organizational GHG inventory design and quantification.
It helps in specifying the categories of emissions and limitations of GHG inventory quantification and lays down the process for emission quantification, categorization, and reporting.
An organization’s operation varies in its legal and organizational structures, which include owned operations, incorporated and noncorporate joint ventures, subsidiaries, and others.
As per ISO standards, boundary setting for an organizational GHG quantification is of 2 types:
This boundary lays down the procedure and criteria for consolidating the GHG emissions from GHG sources located within one or more facilities.
Facilities can be defined as a single installation, set of installations, or production processes, which can be defined within a single geographical boundary, organizational unit, or production process.
Organizations should consolidate emissions levels from a facility to one of the following approaches:
a.?Control, wherein the organization accounts for all quantified GHG emissions and/or removals from facilities over which it has financial control or operational control.
b.?Equity share, where the organization accounts for its portion of GHG emissions and/or removals from respective facilities.
2.?Operational boundary setting:
It defines the scope of direct and indirect emissions for operations that fall within a company’s established organizational boundary.
An operational boundary is decided after setting up the organizational boundary as they together constitute a company’s inventory boundary.
Coming next is an overview of GHG project life cycle phases, so be in touch, and for any support contact us below.