The Boundary of the Mind
Your access to your mind is on what platform? Could we say that the access to your mind is through the platform of thinking? Let us try to say the opposite. If you could not think, would you still have access to your mind? I am quite sure your mind would still be active, but would you be more or less than what you currently are? Less I assume!
Let us pre-suppose that this is the case. Let us say that your thinking is a mechanism stimulated by your senses. When you receive sensory stimuli, you think about what is received, weigh that information against prior thought and then generate new thought into action. So older thought gets mixed with new thought and then there is a response of action. The older you get, the more thought you accumulate and the more diluted the new thoughts become. If new thoughts are so small against the army of old thought, then how would you perceive new things? Would this be a boundary to the mind or to your life? It seems that this would certainly inhibit your life to historical complacency. How do we stop this autonomous mental engine from doing this?
We struggle to reach the boundary of the mind because our system of thinking has not improved. This would naturally make us believe that there is no boundary to the mind, since we have not reached it. Is that a true statement? Like ,... we have not reached the end of the world so therefore it is limitless. Are these statements too grand and absolute? I think so!
New thinking is required to start the journey into the life that you have not yet started living yet. Bravery and courage would be required on your part, as any accomplished pioneer would tell you. The boundary of your mind is limited by the boundaries in your life. If you do not take your life seriously and generate powerful new thinking, then your accumulated old thoughts will lay waste to your new thoughts. Only with new thinking, would you be able to begin the process of discovering who you are and your potential...
DJ Bungay