Bouncing Back: 6 Tips on How to Process Being Laid Off

Bouncing Back: 6 Tips on How to Process Being Laid Off

Being laid off can be scary. Whether you had an idea it might be coming or were completely blindsided, now you’re left wondering, what’s next? Companies like Amazon, Salesforce, Microsoft, and Stripe ramped up their workforces during the pandemic to meet growing demand, but now they’re beginning to downsize or rightsize again in response to the current market. Thousands of employees have been impacted and are now looking for their next job.

If you have been affected by a layoff, you may be feeling overwhelmed about what to do next. Here are 6 tips to help you navigate this difficult time and come out even stronger.

1. Don’t take it personally. Getting laid off can feel like a personal attack, but often times it is purely business. Restructuring or downsizing meant that people needed to be cut, and unfortunately you were in that group. Look at it as an opportunity for a fresh start.

Many people get stuck in a rut of staying at a job where they feel comfortable and not looking to see what else is out there. Now you have the chance to explore other job opportunities, companies, and careers. You may be able to move up in your career, increase your pay, improve your benefits, and enhance your work-life balance. Maybe you want to switch industries or careers altogether. This is your chance to start anew. Look for the silver lining.

2. Consider your options. Take a break and clear your mind. Spend a few days doing things you enjoy and processing what happened. You don’t want to just jump right into a job search while you’re feeling angry or bitter about your last role. Evaluate your finances to determine a timeline for finding a new job and think about what you want to do next. What did you like about your old job? What do you wish you could have changed? Use that information to shape your search for your next job.

3. Don’t burn your bridges. You may be upset, but don’t go blasting your anger on social media and badmouthing your former employer. This reflects poorly on you, especially when you’re looking to interview with new employers. Layoffs are nothing new. Employers know they happen all the time. Consider how to frame your experience in a more positive light or stay neutral. You can explain that your company downsized or reorganized and you are looking for your next opportunity.

Talk through your feelings with close family or friends. People you can trust who will be empathetic, but also who are not evaluating your candidacy for your next role.

4. Keep a positive attitude. Surround yourself with your own personal cheerleaders. People who uplift and support you. People who are go-getters will help you stay motivated and figure out your path forward. It’s okay to be upset, but you don’t want to wallow in self-pity. Use that anger or frustration as inspiration to find a new job.

5. Create a plan. Looking for employment can become a full-time job, and if you’re not careful, it can lead to burnout. Set a schedule for yourself. Decide how long you’re going to spend searching for jobs, working on your interview skills, or networking each day. How many jobs do you want to apply for each week? Work your connections and see if they have leads, whether at their companies or through people they know.

Decide what you’re looking for in terms of job location, salary, benefits, title/leadership, and other factors. It can be tempting to take anything that comes your way because you need a job, but also think about what would make you happy so you aren’t immediately turning around and starting your job search all over again.

6. Refresh your resume, cover letter, and LinkedIn profile. Now that you have an idea of what you’re looking for, polish up your resume to align with these types of roles and to highlight your experience, skills, and accomplishments. Position yourself in a way that employers want to interview you to learn more. Don’t forget to update your LinkedIn profile as well, as this can be a valuable tool for connecting with recruiters and potential job opportunities.

Getting laid off can be devastating mentally, emotionally, and financially, but how you handle the process can help set yourself up for coming back stronger. The resume writing team at Grammar Chic can help you revamp your job search materials to re-enter the job market. Contact us today to get started!


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