BounceBack Virtual Dental Festival 26th – 27th May
Andy McDougall
Helping dental practice owners to double their net profit every 3 years | business planning | leadership | mentoring
On Tuesday May 26th at 2pm Andy and Anne-Marie will join a host of industry mentors in Software of Excellence’s BounceBack Virtual Dental Festival, a series of free online webinars preparing dental practices to bounce back from Covid-19. The theme for their one-hour webinar will be: Survival, Revival and Normal and during this session they will examine:
- Breaking it down: survival, revival and normal
- Cashflow/CBILS/Bounce back
- Getting profits/valuations back to previous levels
- Return to work planning
- Help now/future – what we are offering
To register for this event, please click here. Please don’t delay - in just one week more than 1,500 registrants have already signed up!
Need more help?
If you and your practice need help navigating the travails of the virus, please get in touch by emailing [email protected] or calling 01949 851 723.