Bounce Off - Bounce Back - Bounce
Getting up in the morning to a grumpy partner, children begging for your attention, the boss calling way too early, the sweetest dog waiting to be walked and so much more picking at your serenity can be stressful and start the day off with discontentment. Why can't life easier we ponder. Life can be easier when we become content with the chaos we chose and created yet, taking simple steps to change what causes us so much daily strife and discontentment.
We cannot have an easier life immediately, but we can make life more content by making one conscious decision at a time to change what is stressing us out. Addressing the list in the paragraph above, we can smile at our partner hoping to share something happy, we can make sure our children have their needs met (plan ahead/night before), we can take the bosses call with a smile in our voice, (have no choice) and we can get up a smidge earlier to take the dog for an extra-long walk. (Make it your exercise time too.) Everyday life can be difficult just by normal responsibilities and stress will be compounded when we take on more than we want or can handle or when we forget to manage our life and then...surprisingly, life will manage us. Discontentment in our life will grow from our inability to balance demands and from very high expectations of ourselves and others. A few tips that have helped me and many of my clients to get a hold of their life and find more contentment each and every day.
The goal of this article is to remind you that you can bounce back after days, weeks and months of letting everything around you steel precious time and energy by knowing yourself, what it is you desire our of your life and letting nothing stand in your way of finding balance, peace, contentment and personal joy. At some point, we all had it, now it is time to find it, claim it and keep it.
Anne Spieker is a four-time Certified Life Coach helping individuals just like you navigate the demands of life and the circumstances of our choices. You can have a better life and sometimes it means starting all over again. Love and peace to you always. You can reach Anne through her website