The Bottom Line is Truth
Somebody asked me yesterday, “Yeah, but what’s the value proposition? How do these affect the bottom line?” I have no answer, no data. How does being authentic, being real, showing yourself for who you really are benefit the corporation? Isn’t it self evident?
Look at this world. You can’t swing a dead cat without hitting slimy malfeasance and nefarious intention square in the face. There is so much falsehood, so much obfuscation. When you’re talking to someone do you even know who that person really is? Last night common decency squeaked out a narrow victory in Alabama but it’s nothing to jump up and down and crow about.
Real people, honest people, people who are who they say they are need to stand up and be seen. If for no other reason than to show us that the world is not filled with liars and cheats. Because it isn’t.
Iris was brave enough to do this. She not only stood in front of my camera with an open heart but was willing to convey her beliefs. She is part of the solution to this mess we’re in. Because what we’re dealing with here is a war against truth and authenticity. Say what you mean and mean what you say. That’s sort of what this little experiment is all about. I try to live by it too but I need to see it embodied again and again. I think we all do.