The classified docs Trump had should have been declassified by now and they If were needed for some program then re-classified under new names, new facilities and put in a special category. AND the theft of classified docs, even Trumps is indicative of a Greater Problem! That is the process of securing classified docs is in failure mode. Trump is not the only one that has taken them. There is evidence of tens of thousands of classified docs being lost or stolen. Therefore we need a new system. A kind of Fort Knox for our nations secrets. People need jobs so the Feds should set aside funds and create a new government agency, an Army of Top Secret men & women who's sole job is to protect and declassify docs that deserve being released to the public!!!! BUT the BOTTOM LINE: is there are allegedly 50 Millions of Classified Documents Per year! Created by Military and other Feds State Department and Contractors. Many are not even documents but are photographs. Some are simply a picture of some General with a CIA pal getting an award for Job Performance. Even Trumps Docs could simply be pictures of Trump shaking hands with some NSA, CIA guy that is still considered a secretive person. Some could already be retired or even dead from old age and disease. We won't know as the prosecutors and Democrats would NOT Want the Truth Revealed if it was a mockery of the system in any way. God Bless President Trump for being a genuine human being. We see so few like him in office!