The Bottom Line on Resilience…

The Bottom Line on Resilience…

The roundtable discussion that occurred last Friday was so helpful to all. For those that missed, the recording of the call is right here. I think this is worth your time, listen in to understand that the challenge is real for all of us. You are not alone in it feeling like it is ‘groundhog day’. 

Your fellow business owners had a lot of great answers on how to create resilience. (Get inspired at minute 6; See 25:15 to see you're not alone in not being able to 'turn off' your business brain. Lots of ideas given. See minute 32:12 for THE question you need to ask yourself.)

OK, Bottom line, this question proved to be the litmus test for whether you and I are willing to take the time to rest, play, and restore when we need it. 

Can you believe your business is working, when you are resting and taking time off?

How you answer this question will determine if you will stay in constant hustle mode vs learning to work in a rhythm. It will determine what you do when your brain is done at 5 but you want to or feel you should keep working. It will determine how you plan your calendar during the week. 

How to get started? 

Look at these 3 key areas, pick one and ask and answer the question for a week 

There are 3 keys to resilience + questions to build on them:

1. Learning to lean into a healthy work and rest rhythm. 

ASK OFTEN: What do I need, this week, right now? (rest, play, some time off, time with humans)

2. Creating a present focus and personal mindset practice.

ASK: What do I have control over? (focusing on what we DO have control over and letting the other go……)

3. Bring our unique talents to work often and integrate play into ALL that we do.

ASK and NOTICE: What lights you up? (what small rituals and routines light you up, notice when you drop them, bring them back)

Pick ONE and keep asking the one question and see what you create this week?


p.s. Next month there is not a group call but a group class. I’m starting a new mini MasterMind for YOU: Lead with Your Edge in October. Registration and Details are Right Here

Invite your Colleagues!!. 

Mark your calendar for 11 am ET October 13, 20th and 27th. 

p.s.s. Are you ready to speed things up, calm things down? The perfect time to hire a business coach is when you want support, want to dial down frustration and overwhelm so that you can grow your impact in serving more clients. Hop on my calendar to discuss


