The "bottleneck" problem of key equipment of CAP1400 has been solved!
On July 15th, the prototype of reactor coolant pump with wet winding for CAP 1400 project has successfully completed all test projects in Shanghai Electric-KSB Nuclear Pumps & Valves Co., Ltd. (SEC-KSB). The test data shows that the performance parameters of the RCP meet the requirements of the design specifications, and the open-up examination results reach the acceptance requirements after the test. On July 31, the prototype was verified by expert appraisal meeting. The representatives of China National Nuclear Security Administration participated in the whole process and witnessed the verification test and the open-up examination.
CAP 1400 RCP with wet winding is one of the key equipment of the CAP1400 demonstration project. STATE POWER INVESTMENT CORPORATION (SPIC) organized the development of the canned reactor coolant pump and developed the CAP 1400 RCP with wet winding together with Shanghai Electric KSB. On March 8, 2011, SPIC signed a cooperation agreement with Shanghai Electric KSB and Germany KSB, and started the development of main pump. It has been 8 years since it has undergone many prototype tests and design iterations. The success of this test marks the completion of the prototype of CAP 1400 RCP with wet winding, solves the “bottleneck” problem of the key equipment of the CAP1400 demonstration project and can guarantee the main pump demand of the demonstration project.