Bottle & Bean | Feature Member
We’re a beer shop but with 4 keg lines, you can drink in as well as take away to enjoy at home. We serve the finest speciality grade coffees. There’s gallery space showcasing pop art. Plus we play our vinyl and let you play yours. OK, so maybe it’s not that simple, but it’s our passions all under one roof.
Under the current conditions and restrictions, please check our Facebook page @bottleandbeanwetherby for opening times, services and distancing measures in place to keep you and us safe.
Growler Refills
Simply choose your beer from what we currently have on tap, take it home and drink it. Wash out your growler, bring it back, choose another and repeat. Yes they’re 100% reusable.Filling glass bottles or “Growlers” using a unique counter pressure system is the best way we have found for you to enjoy the fresh keg beer we serve at home.
The Science (if you’re interested)
The growler fill is a counter pressure system, meaning that growlers are filled with Carbon Dioxide flushing out all the Oxygen. It is then filled with beer directly from the keg pushing out the CO2 enabling the beer to remain pressurised.Basically your unopened beer will stay fresh for up to 30 days without any loss of carbonation. Once opened the beer will last up to 4 days, not that we believe you won’t drink it the day you buy it.
Speciality Grade Coffee
We use speciality grade coffees from small roasters around the UK. Our roasters include
- Pump n Grind in Leeds
- Machina in Edinburgh
- Neighbourhood in Liverpool.
We do know what a bloody good coffee is and how to make one and that’s what we aim to serve you.
One of the Bottle and Bean team likes to paint. It started as a hobby but then people seemed to like the pieces and wanted to buy some. So we’re giving space to show a selection of Pop Art and Portraiture pieces.The original pieces can be purchased or they’ll be limited edition prints or you can commission an original piece of your own choosing.
There’s not much to say really, we like music and we hope you do too. If you want to bring some vinyl down to share with us and whoever else is around then feel free. Basically – Play Records, Drink Beer & Relax.
Beer Coffee Art Music
Visit our website for more information.
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