Botox treatment- important things you should know

Botox is a popular treatment used to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and stretch lines. Both men and women opt for this procedure, to treat the signs of aging. The treatment is especially effective on the crow’s feet and vertical lines between the eyebrows commonly known as expression lines.

The procedure does not work for lines on the skin caused by loss of volume and elasticity.

Things you should know before deciding for the procedure

Before deciding for the procedure, make sure you do not have hypersensitivity to Botulinum Toxin. Avoid undergoing the treatment if you are suffering from muscle diseases. You should also not take Botox injections if you are taking aminoglycoside antibiotics, spectinomycin and other drugs that affect nerve impulses. Botox is not suggested for pregnant ladies and lactating mothers. Some doctors also suggest that people suffering from STD should also avoid this treatment.

Botox treatment

It is a safe and fast procedure to get rid of signs of aging. It is a painless process in which the cosmetic surgeon uses a micro-needle. These needles carry small doses of Botox, which are administered into the targeted area. These needles are very thin and carries small amounts of fluid that are to be injected into the patient’s body.

Patient’s may feel a little discomfort during the procedure. This discomfort subsides in a day or two. The procedure does not require sedation. You can resume to your normal activity immediately after undergoing the treatment. Make sure the treatment is conducted by a trained, licensed physician. The after effects of the treatment is visible after 3 to 10 days of undergoing the procedure.

The result of the treatment depends on the amount of the drug injected. Also, note that the substance should be injected in the right place. It is very complex to understand the anatomical map of facial muscles, this is why it is important to consult a licensed and reputable practitioner for the treatment.

Cosmetic surgeon you select should also be experienced in the use of Botox. An experienced cosmetic surgeon can rightly suggest you what is good and what is not. He also makes sure that the patient recovers well after the procedure. Discuss with the cosmetic surgeon your expectations and apprehensions. This will help him customize the treatment as per your needs. If you have a medical history, you can talk in detail about it with your doctor. He must know everything about you in detail.

For consultation on Botox, please contact Beverly Hills Cosmetic and Laser Center.


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