Bot Fact or Fiction Series
A video series to dispel myths on chatbots and conversational AI

Bot Fact or Fiction Series

One of the biggest trends in recent years, chatbots and conversational AI have been at the centre of a lot of hype. There is much that is said and believed about them, some of it true, others that couldn't be any further from it, and anything in between.

In this 7-parts video series, famous robots share common beliefs surrounding chatbots and I give my answers to these based on what I have seen as an industry insider.

Episode 1 - All chatbots are the same

Episode 2 - Chatbots are only deployed on websites

Episode 3 - Chatbots require a large IT team to operate

Episode 4 - Automation will replace us all

Episode 5 - Chatbots cannot handle off-topic conversations

Episode 6 - Conversational AI only works in English

Episode 7 - You need highly-specialised data scientists to run bots

The key message to take away from all these is that the technology has matured leaps and bounds and the new generation of conversational AI are getting ever closer to the original hype, delivering on many of the promises that were made in hype-y marketing in previous years.

While there are a plethora of vendors in this space, you need to ensure you partner up with an organisation that has a very, very robust multilingual NLP modelling capability (preferably their own rather than a 3rd party's) as well as a platform that is built for scale and flexibility, only then can you reap the rewards that the conversational AI chatbot space brings to the table.

If you need any help with your automation challenges, get in touch, I'll happily share my experiences with you!


